Can whatsapp be used in mainland china? The most comprehensive use of Whatsapp

 lihan March 15, 2023 13:52:40 Mobile applications comment one hundred and eighty-four one Reading mode

WhatsApp, It can be said that it is the social software with the highest number of users in the world. It is very popular both abroad and at home. Many people think that it does not have WeChat. If you have this idea, it means that you have not been abroad. WeChat is indeed a giant in China. But in the world, WeChat is rarely used in other countries except China. If you remember correctly, Whatsapp has about 2 billion users, and WeChat has about 1.2 billion users, and basically more than 90% of them are from China. It can be seen that Whatsapp has a very large number of users. Now let's take a detailed look at how to use whatsapp in China?


Can whatsapp be used in China

At present, whatsapp can only be used normally in a special way on mobile phones or computers, and cannot be used directly. It can be used domestically, but will be subject to certain restrictions.

How to use Whatsapp in China

1. Open Whatsapp, click Register Now, and enter your mobile phone number to register.

2. Enter your mobile phone number and click "Next", enter the received SMS verification code, and then click the "Submit" button.

3. On the next page, enter your name, avatar and password, and then click the "Finish" button.

4. After completing the registration, you can click the+sign in the upper right corner of the main interface to search for the friends you want to add, establish a connection, and start communication.

How to use whatsapp for Android

To use WhatsApp Android, you need to download and install it in the app store first, then register an account and verify your mobile number. After successful registration, you can add contacts, send text, pictures, videos, voice, files and other information, and conduct one-on-one or group chat.

WhatsApp also supports voice and video calling functions, and provides encryption and privacy settings to protect user information. Users can also set personalized information such as profile, avatar and background.

We don't know how to use whatsapp in China. We can refer to the above content. For us, the function is similar to that of WeChat. Many countries are using whatsapp.

  • This article is written by Published on March 15, 2023 13:52:40
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