How does mobile chrome download web videos? Introduction to methods of downloading web videos from mobile chrome

Google is the largest search engine company in the world at present, which contains many technologies. Moreover, Google has a large number of users and content coverage. The video content of Google's web page is very rich, so it is also a favorite place for everyone. So let's talk about how to download web video with mobile Chrome.


Introduction to the method of downloading web video from mobile chrome

1. First, we need to find the video we need, and then open the screen in Google Chrome. Or we can search the website directly to play it.

2. Then you can go to the menu in the upper right corner and click "Developer Tools". There are some functions you need.

3. After finding the developer's page, you will see a "Network", and then refresh it. Then you will see all kinds of things you need. Find the following format, and then open the file.

4. Then click Headers, copy the URL, open it on the browser, and click Save As in the menu to download it.

Mobile Google browser cache video

1. Open Browser

2. Click the menu, click the options of this menu


3. Then you will see a video of playing and click


4. Then there will be an offline video that can be seen by clicking


The above methods can help you solve the problem of video caching. So if you need something, you can refer to the methods introduced by the editor.


With the popularity of the Internet, people increasingly like to watch videos online. Sometimes, we will see some interesting videos on the mobile browser and want to download them for offline viewing. However, some video websites do not provide download function, which is very disturbing. However, by using the mobile Chrome browser, we can use some methods to download web videos. Next, I will introduce several methods to help you easily download web videos.

Method 1: Use the extension program

1. Download and install the mobile Chrome browser.

2. Search the extension program of "Download Web Video" in the app store or online, and download and install it.

3. Open the video page to be downloaded, and click the extension program icon.

4. Select the video to download and click the "Download" button.

Method 2: Use third-party tools

In addition to the extension program, you can also use some third-party tools to download web videos. For example, "Little Assistant Download Magic" is a very popular download tool, which supports a variety of browsers and platforms.

1. Download and install the "Little Assistant Downloading Artifacts".

2. Open the video page to be downloaded and click the icon of "Little Assistant Downloading Artifacts".

3. Select the video to download and click the "Download" button.

Method 3: Use the screen recording software

If the above two methods cannot be downloaded, we can also consider using the screen recording software to record the video. Although this is troublesome, it is also a way to solve problems.

1. Download and install screen recording software, such as "Screen Recording Master".

2. Open the video page to be recorded and start the screen recording function.

3. After the video is played, the screen recording software will automatically save the recorded video.

These are three common ways to download web videos. It should be noted that when using these methods, relevant laws, regulations and copyright provisions must be observed, and unauthorized video content must not be downloaded and used at will. At the same time, we should also pay attention to selecting formal channels to download tools and software to avoid downloading programs with viruses or malware.

In addition to the above three methods, there are other techniques that can help us download web videos better. For example:

Tip 1: Use browser developer tools

Many mobile browsers provide developer tools, and we can use these tools to parse video links in web pages and download them. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Open the page to download the video, click the browser menu key, and select "Developer Tools".

2. In the developer tool, find the "Network" tab and refresh the page to load all resources.

3. Find the video file (usually named in. mp4 or. flv format) in the resource list, right-click and select Copy link address.

4. Open a download tool (such as Thunderbolt or the browser's own downloader), paste the link address and start downloading.

Tip 2: Use web videos to analyze websites

Some websites specifically provide the function of parsing web videos. We can paste video web links to these websites for parsing and downloading. It should be noted that the reliability of these websites may vary, and you need to select reputable websites for operation.

Tip 3: Use the social media sharing function

Some social media platforms (such as WeChat, Weibo, etc.) provide webpage video sharing functions, and we can use these functions to save videos locally. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Find the share button on the video page to be downloaded (usually the icon with an arrow in a box).

2. Click the share button and select the platform to share (such as WeChat friends, WeChat circle of friends, Weibo, etc.).

3. In the sharing interface, select "Save Video" or similar options to save the video locally.

In a word, the methods and techniques of downloading web videos from several commonly used mobile Chrome browsers are introduced above. I hope it can help you enjoy watching your favorite videos easily. At the same time, please also observe the relevant laws and regulations and copyright regulations!

  • This article is written by Published on March 4, 2024 09:09:45
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