What key can be pressed to restore the black screen of Apple computer? Detailed explanation of the black screen restoration tutorial of Apple computer

Although Apple computers are highly configured for many computers, there will be many problems. However, unlike Microsoft and other systems, it is difficult to deal with some problems, so many people will be dumbfounded at the moment. Let's talk about how to solve the problem of black screen on Apple computers.

Why Apple Computer Blackout

There are many reasons for the black screen of the computer, and the solutions are different, so some simple black screen can be solved by yourself if there is no difficulty. Sometimes it can be recovered by pressing a few keys, but sometimes it is more complicated, so it can't be solved by yourself, and needs some professional stores to solve it.

What key can be pressed to restore the black screen of Apple computer

1. Sometimes we encounter the problem of black screen, so we need to clean the PRAM, and this is to start the machine first, then you can press and hold the "Command+Option+P+R" keys. If you hear four starts, you can let go. This means that after cleaning the PRAM, you can generally restart it.


2. Another difference is that you can turn off the computer first, then connect the power together, and then press the Shift Control Option key and the On key on the keyboard.


Then release these keys, and then turn on the power button. Then pay attention to the indicator on the power adapter when resetting the smc.


The above is what you can do when you encounter the black screen of Apple computer. If you don't understand anything, you can refer to this article.

  • This article is written by Published on March 12, 2023 15:25:06
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