How to play chatGPT in China, 3 minutes to teach you to register for the chatGPT tutorial [Xiaobai must see]

The wind of ChatGPT has spread to the streets and alleys of China, and many people still pay close attention to ChatGPT. Why is it so popular? From abroad to home, this function is very powerful. It can answer your knowledge in all aspects. The management of ChatGPT in China is very strict. How to play chatGPT in China? Let's have a look.


What is chatGPT

There are many professional explanations on the Internet, but in my opinion, ChatGPT is a language robot, but this robot can learn and evolve, and needs massive data. For ChatGPT, it is still a weak AI system, and its main function is to retrieve Internet information and conduct in-depth semantic based learning, ChatGPT does not have the ability to think actively at present, so as a popular semantic interactive search engine around the world, we must now carry out more proactive training on it. Such training can be stored in the GPT database through the chat interaction process, and we usually use this method to correct the wrong data of this artificial intellectual disability. Of course, if you don't like ChatGPT, you can even teach it bad by means other than this blog, because it has no thoughts, so it will not have a mind.

How to play chatGPT in China

1. Chatgpt can be used in China, but we need to operate it.


2. First, you need a foreign mobile phone number to register (registration tutorial).


3. Then chatgpt itself does not support domestic networks, and it needs scientific Internet access.


4. After the registration with a foreign mobile phone number is completed, it can be used by logging on to the scientific Internet.


5. Chatgpt can be used in China, but it needs to be registered with a foreign mobile phone number, and then can be used through scientific Internet access.

Why ChatGPT cannot be used in China

1、 Policy reasons: Since ChatGPT's technology is mainly based on Google's machine learning technology, Google has not officially opened its business in China, and its services cannot be used in China, so Chinese users cannot use ChatGPT.

2、 Technical reasons: ChatGPT uses machine learning technology provided by Google, and the use of Google technology is restricted in China, so the use of ChatGPT in China is restricted.

3、 Product reason: ChatGPT's product itself also has some specific requirements, such as requiring users to log in with Google account, which is currently unavailable in China, so ChatGPT cannot be used in China.

4、 Other reasons: ChatGPT cannot be used in China because the network environment in China is not consistent with Google's services.

It is not easy to register the chatgpt account: you can consider purchasing a finished chatgpt account: Click to buy

Recently, many people have been discussing ChatGPT. It seems very simple, but its performance is very powerful. It has been integrated into all walks of life, and I believe it will develop better and better in the future.

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