[WordPress Theme] The hottest WordPress news theme in Newspaper v8.8

 Watson Blog September 21, 2018 00:15:25 Wordpress Theme eleven nine hundred and twenty-nine Reading mode

[WordPress Theme] The hottest WordPress news theme in Newspaper v8.8

Newspaper is a wordpress theme of news magazines with a simple and generous interface, which is very suitable for news and magazine websites. This theme supports BuddyPress, bbpress, and scoring function, which is simple and convenient to operate.

 [WordPress Theme] The hottest WordPress news theme in Newspaper v8.8

News paper topic v8.8 introduction

"Newspaper" is the theme with the highest sales volume on themeforest. It is a magic artifact. Since the author released it on August 27, 2015, it has been updating its version. It has sold 47158 times, more than 12714 messages, and more than 4000 people gave 4.85 points (full of 5 points). It is suitable for all WordPress versions since the beginning of WordPress 4.0. At the same time, for WPML, Buddypress, WooCommerce, bbpress, Composer are all adapted to the following browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge。

Newspaper is a WordPress theme that allows you to focus on simple writing. She can help you with other complex things! It is especially suitable for news, newspapers, magazines, publishers, and evaluation websites. Of course, it is a piece of cake to use it as a personal blog. At the same time, she also has a special way to handle YouTube videos, and is fully compatible with WPML, buddypress, WooCommerce, bbpress, Composer and other programs.

SEO、 Responsive: Newspaper is a simple, clean and SEO friendly responsive theme, which is suitable for all devices (common PCs, tablets, mobile phones), and also takes into account common advertising alliances (such as Google adsense).

Diversified, suitable for building a website: there are 40 types of templates that can be directly applied to purchase a theme. Compared with other themes, you can buy 40 themes at the cost of one theme.

Newspaper v8.8 Topic Instructions

This theme needs to be activated in the background

In the Newspaper theme management interface - Activate theme - Activate the theme manually, enter the code and secret key:

Envato Purchase Code:9dr8swe9cw

Activation Key:scezxertft

 [WordPress Theme] The hottest WordPress news theme in Newspaper v8.8


Newspaper Theme v8.8 Download

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1u6cRwoVK2btXl50jvZ0bBQ


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Keywords: WordPress news theme, WordPress We Media theme, wordpress magazine theme, wordpress information theme, wordpress free theme download, wordpress blog theme

 Watson Blog
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