How to charge the money of Apple ID into the game? How to recharge the game of Apple ID

 weiwei March 2, 2023 16:08:57 operating system comment one hundred and sixty-eight Reading mode

Everyone knows that Apple mobile phones can only be used after registering an Apple ID, and this ID is very useful. No matter you download software, you need to enter an ID. But today we are talking about how to use the balance in Apple ID to recharge, so let's talk about how to use the balance in Apple ID to recharge the game.

What is the use of Apple ID balance

The more you can purchase some apps from Apple's ID, the more convenient it is to use the money in this ID when you need to pay for some apps. There are also some applications that need to upgrade their services, so they will use the balance of Apple ID. This is mainly used for some games or software recharge, so it can not be used for actual use, nor can it be used to recharge the phone bill.

How can I use the balance of Apple ID to charge the game

Let's take the game we often play, King Glory, as an example.

1. It is generally the ticket counting that needs to be recharged, so we will click the plus sign


2. Let's choose the number of coupons we need


3. Then the recharge page will appear. Then we will pay according to the ID, and enter the ID password to complete the payment.


Exclusive ID purchase


If you really don't want to register, you can buy a finished American Apple ID directly from here. One person, one number, and use it independently!

The above is about how to pay for the game through Apple ID. If you don't understand anything, you can refer to the steps introduced to you in the above section.

  • This article is written by Published on March 2, 2023 16:08:57
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