[No more good things] Baidu online disk downloader PanDownload v2.0

[No more good things] Baidu online disk downloader PanDownload v2.0

PanDownload is a download tool that adheres to the concept of user experience as the center and smooth and incisive download.

It has been one year and seven months since the first version was launched on February 9, 2017. First of all, I would like to thank you for your continuous support and suggestions, which have prompted me to constantly improve the software.
After more than 180 days and nights of development and testing for half a year, today brings you a new version 2.0, a new architecture, a new interface, new functions, and more powerful functions under development

[Login free download] Without login, open the Baidu online disk sharing link to download directly.

 [No more good things] Baidu online disk downloader PanDownload v2.0

[Multi account management] For the resource party, Baidu's online disk space is not enough, and more accounts are available, but login switching is very troublesome. Multi account login completely solves this problem, and theoretically supports unlimited account login at the same time.

 [No more good things] Baidu online disk downloader PanDownload v2.0

[Batch download] One click to package multiple files and folders and extract them. The direct chain uses the built-in aria2 downloader of the software to download

 [No more good things] Baidu online disk downloader PanDownload v2.0

[Batch File Rename] is a convenient and fast renaming function. It supports keyword replacement, adding pre suffixes, case conversion, Lua pattern matching, modifying extension and other renaming rules. It also supports customization of more matching rules through Lua scripts.

 [No more good things] Baidu online disk downloader PanDownload v2.0


Baidu online disk downloader PanDownload v2.0 download

Download Lanzuo Cloud Disk: https://www.lanzous.com/i1v864f


Notes on speed limit

At present, Baidu limits the speed of accounts. When a non member account reaches a certain threshold, the speed limit will be triggered. After the account is speed limited, it is easy to have problems such as download errors, number of dropped connections, etc. It will take several days or open members to recover.

It is recommended to give priority to the sharing link for downloading. Since there is no need to log in to the account, there will be no risk of being limited. The limited account can also try to use batch downloading.

It is easy to get yellow and stay fast. It is a stone from another mountain. If it fails, it will not be repaired.

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Keywords: Baidu online disk downloader, PanDownload download, Baidu online disk file batch renaming, Baidu Cloud file name batch modifier

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on September 14, 2018 00:15:59
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/1410.html
