How to play chatGPT in China? How to make money with ChatGPT

 lihan June 29, 2023 14:40:07 operating system comment one hundred and sixty-six Reading mode

After ChatGPT became popular, the middlemen who made money by it became rich overnight, but for some people, they did not master the skills and did not understand how to make money. Two months after the launch of ChatGPT, the number of monthly active users has directly exceeded 100 million, and has been increasing rapidly recently. Do you know the domestic usage of chatgpt? How to make money with ChatGPT?


Chatgpt domestic use method

1. Register ChatGPT account

Advantages: ChatGPT can be directly used on the official website.

Disadvantages: At this time, ti subs are needed, and some cannot be used. At this time, only the networks of other countries can be used.

2. Google browser plug-in

Advantages: No need to register an account. You can use it directly after logging in.

Disadvantages: The website needs to visit foreign networks.

3. Domestic dai management website

Advantages: no threshold required, direct use

Disadvantages: unstable

How to make money with ChatGPT

ChatGPT's way of making money:

1 Creative

Let ChatGPT create We Media soft articles, Q&A, science popularization, stories and other contents and publish them on the platform. Some of them are also released as videos by cutting and mapping.

2 Account type

Because domestic mobile phone accounts cannot register ChatGPT accounts, e-commerce platforms have become more active in selling accounts. Now the registration and sales of tutorials have been sealed

3 Technical

Create your own interface, such as the public account, applet or group chat, access the API and use the ChatGPT function, so that players can recharge and pay for use.

It's still a good idea to make money with ChatGPT. At present, the popularity of ChatGPT has attracted more people's attention. If you want to make money, you should find ideas and go deep into research.

  • This article is written by Published on June 29, 2023 14:40:07
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