Can ChatGPT/OpenAI change the password

 weiwei February 23, 2023 16:52:25 operating system comment one hundred and twenty-eight Reading mode

You should all know ChatGPT. This is a very popular program at present, which has caused a stir at home and abroad. It is also because this program is very useful and helpful to many people, so they will want to find a way to use it. However, we only know how to register, but sometimes we don't know how to deal with it if we want to change the password. Let's talk about it.

Can OPENAI change the password

In fact, it is possible. The process is not complicated, and the steps are not very complicated, just like the original login. Generally, you don't want to change your password unless there is a security problem, so let's talk about how to change OPENA's password.

OPENA Password Modification Steps

The first step is to confirm our email address, log in, open your own email address, and then get the email password change link

ChatGPT/OpenAI可以修改密码吗,ChatGPT/OpenAI 修改账号密码教程

Step 2: Open the login address of OPENA, and then see "Forgot password?", that is, you have forgotten your password. Click it to proceed to the following operation.

ChatGPT/OpenAI可以修改密码吗,ChatGPT/OpenAI 修改账号密码教程
ChatGPT/OpenAI可以修改密码吗,ChatGPT/OpenAI 修改账号密码教程

The third step is to enter the email account again, and then refresh our email account. At this time, you can see a link to change the email password, and then enter a new password

ChatGPT/OpenAI可以修改密码吗,ChatGPT/OpenAI 修改账号密码教程

Is it a simple step to change the secret? If you need to, you can refer to the introduction given by the editor. If you follow the above operation, there is generally no problem.

  • This article is written by Published on February 23, 2023 16:52:25
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