How to operate WeChat one-way friend detection? Does WeChat one-way deletion add back the other party's display

 lihan February 23, 2023 15:05:15 Mobile applications comment one hundred and forty-three Reading mode

In life, WeChat is a software that we often use. As time goes on, more and more people in WeChat find that some people have stopped contacting and don't know whether they have deleted you. At this time, we want to check whether they are friends or not. Now let's see how to operate WeChat one-way friend detection?


How to operate WeChat one-way friend detection

1. Directly on the "+" account on the top right of WeChat → start group chat → select your WeChat friends (multiple choices are allowed)

2. At this time, you will see who deleted your information and an exclamation mark will appear. Note that there is no need to send any message here! In this way, you won't send messages to others, and you can see them quietly.

Check whether you have been blackmailed by the other party:

According to the above method, the system will display the message of joining group chat. In this case, it will display that the message sent is rejected by the other party, which is called blackout.

  • Does WeChat one-way deletion add back the other party's display

Will not receive any prompt

The other party will not be prompted when WeChat unilaterally deletes and adds you back. If the other party sends you a message, it is not time for the other party to send you a message. Your page will display a red exclamation mark, and there will also be a friend verification. Maybe the other party deleted your pair, and you need to add it back if you want to chat.

People who often do not contact can use this method to test, and can also reduce the number of friends in it. It is better to clear it, and you can also know who deleted you.

  • This article is written by Published on February 23, 2023 15:05:15
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