What does the Apple Recovery Key really mean, and how to use it

Many people who have used Apple products know that when we just bought Apple phones, computers, iPads and other products, we will first let you set your own Apple ID, and then this ID can be used with several Apple products. It is convenient to synchronize your own data without modification. But at this time, there will be a reminder of the recovery key. Many people do not know what this means. Let's talk about it.


What is the Apple Recovery Key

This recovery key is set to make our Apple account more secure. Usually, when we want to set the password, we still try to reset it. We need to input our ID account first, and then verify it. After verification, the key is recovered, which is also to make our mobile phone more secure.

This recovery key is usually composed of 28 characters. Now you can use it to verify when you replace your ID account. Then you can use it if necessary, which is also for the sake of more security of your account. So you can decide not to use it according to your actual situation, because it is useful when you reset your password or access your account. This key is usually kept by yourself and cannot be disclosed casually. This is a taboo for account security, so you can't forget it.

How to set your own Apple ID

1. Open the Apple ID, and then click a forgotten password

2. I will look at a person who has entered a reset password, write his own number, and then click Allow


3. Then you will see a place to reset the password, so you can do it


The above is the explanation of Apple's recovery key. If you need something, you can refer to the above methods. I hope it can help you.

  • This article is written by Published on February 20, 2023 17:13:39
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