0 Basic python tutorial sharing, python beginners must see simple python knowledge

The courses on programming are very popular now, and the prospects for technical work are getting better and better. In addition, this era is constantly changing. Now it is more and more advanced. There are many high-tech products, so people who can program are popular. Some have begun to enlighten programming from children, and there are many programming courses. Now let's talk about how Xiaobai should get started


If you want to learn basic Python, it is necessary to check these two books: Python Programming: From Introduction to Practice and Python Basic Tutorial. When we want to learn a new knowledge, we must first understand what you want to learn, otherwise you will be difficult to master a new knowledge. In addition, Python is difficult to learn, so you should first look at these two books to see what Python is, whether you can learn it, and whether you are interested in it.

These two books are basically about explaining Python to Xiaobai, and then explaining it to Xiaobai from the basic knowledge. Therefore, the knowledge points in these two books are relatively comprehensive and very basic. Therefore, these two books are necessary and a good help for you to get started. Then in order to learn better, you can sign up for some classes. Some training classes can better consolidate your knowledge.

Then, let's talk about some learning problems in detail:

Development tools, which is a key to developing Python. It is said that a skillful woman cannot make bricks without straw, so if you don't have a tool to weigh your hands, you will be in trouble. Then 90% of the problems you encounter later can be solved through Google and StackOverflow. The learning resources must also be selected correctly. You must not blindly select many, otherwise it is useless for yourself. You must go to several experienced experts for consultation, or you must go online to first screen, then select a basic book to start learning, and then start to advance. The recommended Chinese name of A Byte of Python is Concise Python Tutorial, which is very suitable for Xiaobai, a beginner. The content is very clear, so it is friendly to beginners. First look at the foundation, then go to the advanced level. You must not skip the level, otherwise it is useless.

Only reading books will not make progress, and thinking and practice will grow. Self learning programming is a boring process. Without positive feedback, learning enthusiasm can easily be suppressed, so you should actively participate in the relevant technical circles.

The programming class itself is very difficult and complex, so it will be more difficult for beginners. Therefore, it is better to enroll in some classes for learning, so that progress will be greater.

  • This article is written by Published on February 19, 2023 17:34:59
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