Can popular chatgpt software be used in China? Chatgpt Latest Tutorial for Domestic Use

When it comes to chatgpt, many people should be using it now. It is powerful in function and can help us solve many problems. Chatgpt is developed abroad, so some people ask whether it can be used in China? This is also a problem that many people are concerned about. Let me give you a detailed answer.

Can chatgpt be used in China

Chatgpt can be used in China. You need to register an OpenAI account on the official website. After registration, it can be used normally.

Chatgpt domestic process

1. The first step is to log in to the chatgpt official website.

2. Complete the registration according to the steps (see the previous article for the registration process)

3. After the registration is completed, you can directly click Login to debug the page.

4. Later, you can ask the questions you want to ask in the input box, and ChatGPT will answer according to the questions.

5. ChatGPT is very helpful and the answer is very detailed.

6. Functionally, it can also help with some code.

7. There is also a translation function.

The above is about how to use chatgpt in China. Chatgpt has always been popular since it was launched, which can bring us great help.

  • This article is written by Published on February 18, 2023 11:18:34
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