How to register for the popular chatopenai, the most complete tutorial for chatopenai fools

 lihan June 7, 2023 10:15:42 operating system comment nine hundred and eighty-eight one Reading mode

There should be many people who don't know how to use Chatopenai. They may also encounter various problems when registering. Chatopenai is a chat robot service developed by OpenAI, which is relatively convenient to use. Many people still don't know how to register with chatopenai? Now let's get to know about it.

How to register chatopenai

The first step is to enter the account of openai, Account registration on the page. It is suggested that you can give priority to Google registration or nailing, qq, etc. to make it easier to operate.

2. Enter the mailbox, set the password that can be remembered, and it will be verified later.

3. After receiving the email, the mobile phone number needs to be verified before it can be used by foreign mobile phone numbers.

4. Find a foreign mobile phone number to verify, as shown in the figure.

5. After using the transcoding platform to verify successfully, the registration process is completed, and you can use it normally at this time.

The above is about the detailed steps of Chatopenai registration. I don't know how to register. Follow the above process step by step. I hope it can help you.

  • This article is written by Published on June 7, 2023 10:15:42
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