WordPress beautification: add background color to the H tag title of website articles

WordPress beautification: add background color to the H tag title of website articles

The webmaster friends who use the robin Begin theme believe that they have seen a lot of titles with background colors on the Chinese chapter pages using the robin Begin theme, which look much more conspicuous than the default. Today, I will tell you how the background color is added to the title of the H tag of the website article.

The code for adding background color to the title of the website article H tag. See the css style sheet for the location. Find the tag you want to add and add it directly border-bottom: 1px solid #ed0000; background-color: #d7caca; That's OK. It's better for robin theme users to go directly to "custom style".

This blog instance is added as follows:

 WordPress beautification: add background color to the H tag title of website articles

The effect is as follows:

 WordPress beautification: add background color to the H tag title of website articles

Use the latest version for your own use (pay attention to modifying the css class name corresponding to your theme):

  1. /*H Label background color*/
  2. .single- content  h3,.single- content  h4,.single- content  h2{
  3. background #ebebeb ;
  4. }
  5. .entry-header h1 {
  6.        border-bottom 1px   solid   #ed0000 ;
  7.      background-color : rgba(255, 226, 82, 0.49);
  8. }


Original link: https://www.seoqe.com/403.html

Keywords: WordPress beautification, WordPress theme beautification, WordPress website beautification, robin Begin theme beautification, WordPress blog beautification

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on September 2, 2018 00:15:56
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