What software can test the number of game frames? Useful software sharing for testing the number of game frames

 weiwei February 10, 2023 17:40:26 Software download comment four hundred and twenty-four Reading mode

Games are indispensable in many people's lives. Many times, they are indispensable for entertainment, and the combination of work and rest is also helpful to our health. Many game players are very concerned about the speed of the game, especially the performance of the device, which will affect the speed of the game. These can be seen by looking at the number of game frames. Let's take a look at how to see the software that tests the number of game frames.


Test game frame count software

XBox Game Bar

This is a game detection provided by many Win10 and Win11 systems, which is very convenient for everyone to use. It is convenient to download a software for testing. Just click in the settings, and then click in the game to enable it.

FRAPS, You can watch the number of frames, screenshots, and videos (a few minutes and a few Gs are also addictive). However, the bad thing is that it is commercial software, and the legitimate version needs to be paid. The quality of piracy is uneven, and attention should be paid to anti-virus.

bandican, It's a stick. Its function is similar to that of fraps. It has the function of locking frames. The defects are similar to those of fraps.

msi-afterburner, It is a very powerful software. In addition to FPS, it can also monitor the state of hardware when the game is running. However, the first setting is crazy, and the UI is anti human. It is the best choice for overclocking.

N2O game master, this is a Chinese software, free of charge. In addition to the function of not overclocking, msi afterburner has all of them, and there are many lovely small details, such as blocking hotkeys!!! In addition to automatic screenshots, manual screenshots can also be taken manually.

How does the mobile phone view the number of game frames

Method/step sharing:

1. Step 1: Click [Set] on the mobile desktop,

2. Step 2: Pull down the bottom of the screen and click [About Mobile Phone],

3. Step 3: Click the version number for more than five consecutive times to open [Developer Options],

4. Step 4: Return to the settings desktop, click Auxiliary Functions, and then click Developer Options,

5. Step 5: Pull down the bottom of the screen in the new page, click [Performance Optimization],

6. Step 6: Click [Performance Monitor] in the new page,

7. Step 7: Click [Display Performance Monitor] and [Display FPS Information] [Start] to display the current frame rate

The above is the introduction of the software about how to look at the frame number of the game. If you are not clear about anything, you can try it through the introduction of this article.

  • This article is written by Published on February 10, 2023 17:40:26
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