WordPress beautification: robin Begin theme sidebar and two column title beautification

 Watson Blog August 26, 2018 17:31:33 WordPress comment eight hundred and seventy-one Reading mode

WordPress beautification: robin Begin theme sidebar and two column title beautification

This site uses robin origin theme version 4.6, the latest version of the following modification is invalid, you want to change it yourself.

Change the sidebar title sidebar h3 location css to the following

  1. #sideba r h3 {
  2.      background #fff ;
  3.      height : 37. 5px ;
  4.      line-height : 37. 5px ;
  5.      border-bottom 1px   solid   #e2e1e1 ;
  6.      margin : 0  20px  0  20px ;
  7.      text-align center ;
  8.      font-size : 1.8rem;
  9.      letter-spacing 4px ;
  10.      color #606777 ;
  11. }

After the modification according to the above css, there is an additional. title-i in the title bar position. The backstage finds. title-i and hides it.

  1. .title-i {
  2.      float left ;
  3.      width 16px ;
  4.      display none ;
  5. }

After hiding. title-i, the following effect picture

 WordPress beautification: robin Begin theme sidebar and two column title beautification

Then, if you use the magazine layout, you will find that the title ICO in front of the two columns will also disappear, as shown in the red circle below.

Design sketch of two column title before beautification:

 WordPress beautification: robin Begin theme sidebar and two column title beautification

Then, change the location css of. cat box. cat title a to the following.

  1. .cat-box .cat-title a {
  2.      float left ;
  3.      width : 95%;
  4.      margin-left 20px ;
  5.      color #606777 ;
  6. }

Effect picture after beautifying the two column title:

 WordPress beautification: robin Begin theme sidebar and two column title beautification

Original link: https://www.zhushuming.cn/5735.html

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on August 26, 2018 17:31:33
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/1389.html
