How to repair the failure of mechanical keyboard keys? Detailed explanation of keyboard key failure repair tips

When using the keyboard, there may be many reasons. Key failure is very common. Sometimes when you use a key, it fails. Many novices do not know what causes it. Today, we will learn in detail what causes mechanical keyboard key failure and what solutions are available?


What is the reason for the failure of mechanical keyboard keys?

1. Cause 1: poor contact. It may be that the keys and contact points are not well linked, which may lead to failures. This is also very common. It is necessary to check whether there are foreign objects in the keyboard or it is easy to eat bread crumbs on the keyboard because of aging and poor contact.

Cause 2: The solder joint is desoldered. This problem is also often encountered. When the solder joint falls off, it will lead to failure, and the solder joint of the mechanical keyboard will fall off, but usually a good mechanical keyboard will not encounter this problem. The keyboard with poor quality may be welded, and the keyboard needs to be disassembled to see the solder joint.

3. Cause 3: Connection problem. When the wires are connected, the contact port may be loose, which will fail. Check whether the connection between the computer and the keyboard is normal, make sure there is no problem, and then try again.

How to Repair Mechanical Keyboard Keys Failure

1. Remove the key cap

Go down the key cap and you can see the materials inside. At this time, you can see what problems you have in the interview. If it is the appearance design, you should continue to dismantle it. (Put the screws into the container and store them well. Here we remind you that the removed screws must be put away to avoid loss during loading.)

2. Remove the housing to see the circuit board

Now stop this step, unplug the power supply and check whether there is a problem with the circuit of the electric board. Here, we have been able to pay close attention to the solder joints between the circuit board and the shaft. If the solder joint near the fixed column and the circuit board is deformed, it can be inferred that the pad falls off, resulting in poor contact with the circuit board and button failure.

3. Remove the bonding pad with a soldering iron and a tin collector

At this time, the most commonly used is the soldering iron, which must be used to remove the bonding pad. Of course, there is also a tin suction device. If it is determined that the connection problem is caused by the gasket falling off, make sure that the shaft is in full contact with the circuit board again. The method used by the author here is to use a knife to gently scratch the line near the fixed point. The copper wire was exposed. Make sure that there is no problem with the contact between the shaft and the wire. Then insert the shaft back to the fixed position

4. Re welding with electric soldering iron

At this time, use soldering iron and welding wire to re weld.

5. Replace as is

After that, there are some simple problems left. The installation will be as is according to the steps.

When the keys on the mechanical keyboard fail, the first thing to do is to find out the causes. There are many reasons for failure, which may be poor contact or other reasons. You can operate according to the above methods.

  • This article is written by Published on February 10, 2023 15:41:29
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