Which version of centos works best? Centos version introduction and difference

 xiaoshen February 10, 2023 14:42:44 operating system comment ninety-eight Reading mode

Centos, which means "community enterprise operating system" in Chinese, is a free and open source operating system that can be redistributed. Programmers are familiar with it, but for college students, it is difficult to distinguish which version is better to use, so which version of Centos is the best to use?


Which version of centos works best?


1. As I have said many times, he doesn't have to worry about the selection of system version, because the system can be replaced after selection. ECS service of domestic nodes

Servers generally support changing the operating system and the image of their own servers.

2. Don't worry about choosing the wrong system when you buy it. If you find that the server version and system are not suitable for later site construction, you can replace the system

And you can replace the reinstalled system for one minute for free.

3. It is generally recommended to choose the Centos system. Although Centos announced that the maintenance of Centos 8 will stop soon, it has little impact on ordinary users

Yes, most domestic users still choose the Centos system. Unless the Centos system must be selected, it is generally recommended

ECS server centos.

Centos version introduction and difference

CentOS-7-DVD version: DVD is a standard installation disk, which is usually downloaded.

CentOS-7-NetInstall version: network installation image.

CentOS-7-Everything version: Supplement the software of the full installation disk and integrate all software.

CentOS-7 LiveGnome version: GNOME desktop version.

CentOS-7-KdeLive version: KDE desktop version.

CentOS-7.0-livecd version: the system running on the CD, the class is intended to be winpe

What is the difference between the live version and the bin version in Centos?

The bin version is the version that needs to be installed on the hard disk.

The live version is simply the system version on a CD,

What are the differences between CentOS LiveCD, LiveDVD and BinDVD

BinDVD version is an ordinary installation version, which can only be used after being installed on the computer hard disk. Bin is generally large and contains a large number of commonly used software, so there is no need to download it online during installation (in most cases).

LiveDVD version - it is a CentOS system with a CD, which can be used to start the computer and launch the CentOS system. It also has a graphical interface and a terminal. It can also be installed on the computer, but some content may need to be downloaded to the website again (automatically).

LiveCD version - Compared with LiveDVD, it is a compact disc CentOS system. Smaller size, easy to maintain and use.

Through the above, I believe that we all know the differences between these versions. I hope that the above can help those who have doubts.

  • This article is written by Published on February 10, 2023 14:42:44
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