What to do if the registration of Apple ID in the US is not completed (specific operation process of Apple ID registration 2023)

For Apple users, if they want to use their mobile phones, they need to activate them before using them. However, for many friends, the choice of region has become a difficult problem. They don't even know how to successfully register the Apple ID in the United States. What can we do if we fail to register successfully in the process of registration?


What should I do if I haven't completed the registration of Apple ID in Meiqu?

1. Switch the network, or try later.

2. Check whether the account payment, address, secondary verification and other information are complete

terms of settlement:

1. Log in to the Apple developer background

2. After logging in, click the left navigation bar: Certificates, Identifiers&Profiles

3. Enter and click Identifiers, and select the option that is exactly the same as the App package name of your IoT platform (you cannot select the one with suffix, you need to select the one that is exactly the same)

4. After you click Enter, the page will drop down a little, and you can see the option of Sign in with apple. Uncheck it first, save it once, check it again, and save it again.

Steps of ID registration process of Apple in the U.S

Access Apple's official website www.apple.com from the web page, either on a mobile phone or a computer browser. Select United States to enter the AppleID management interface

2. Select to create a new AppleID.

3. Fill in the relevant information. The email here must be unregistered. No matter which area you have registered, the email can no longer be used. After filling in the information, click Continue.

4. After receiving the verification code in the email, enter the verification code, click Verify, and confirm the initial creation.

5. Enter the iPhone or iPad AppStore, exit the currently logged in account, and log in the newly registered account. Even if you are in the China AppStore, the system will jump to the registration area according to your registered email.

6. When logging in, the system will prompt that this account has not been used in the AppStore and needs to improve the information. Click Review to enter the information improvement.

7. At this time, select another region, continue to select United States, and click Next.

8. Then you will enter the information improvement interface. At this time, the credit card bar will have the option of None. If you register directly from the AppStore, there is no option of None.

9. Next, you just need to generate an American address and fill it in.

10. Confirm finally, and then create successfully.

Exclusive ID purchase


Multiple users of the shared account are prone to "locking" or "not activating" (this is a helpless situation). If you need to use frequently or purchase a paid app, please purchase an exclusive Apple US ID.

Apple ID is a privacy protection action for users. If you want to register and use it, but don't know what to do, you can go through the above steps.

  • This article is written by Published on February 9, 2023 14:18:53
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/13853.html
