What's the use of Huawei's NFC function? How to use it? (Take you to play with NFC 2023 hand in hand)

Although the update of mobile phones is so fast, many users think that it is the most important to update and introduce more practical functions, so many friends always care about it. For Huawei mobile phone users, nfc is a powerful existence, a wallet, a card package, but in fact, there are many other functions that few people know about. What do you know?


What's the use of Huawei NFC?

1. Travel Card

Nowadays, most people go out by subway or bus. Is a bus card convenient for people to travel? But the size of the card is very small, and people often forget to take it or lose it. Therefore, the NFC function of Huawei mobile phone can easily realize the bus card function. The specific operations are as follows: open Huawei wallet → traffic card → select the city all-in-one card (multi city card opening is supported) → click the recharge amount → confirm the opening.

2. Access card

Now both companies and communities have access control functions. Without access control cards, there is no way to enter. It is very inconvenient to carry access control cards. How to solve this problem. The specific operations are as follows: read all the information of the access card directly through the NFC simulation function of the mobile phone, open the NFC → select the door key → add simulation → read the card.

3. Mobile bank card

At present, mobile payment is the most popular business. You just need to take your mobile phone when you go out, and you don't need to take your wallet. But not all places support mobile payment, so how to solve the problem if you don't want to carry a wallet? The specific operation steps are as follows: click Add Bank Card → Close to the Bank Card to read the card number (also supports scanning the card number and manual input) → Fill in the bank card information → Bind successfully. It is worth mentioning that the NFC function can bind up to 8 cards.

4. Photo Recovery

This function has nothing to do with NFC, but it is excellent in Huawei mobile phones. Everyone knows that the Leica lens of Huawei mobile phones has excellent photographic effects, but photos are often deleted by mistake during the shooting process. For this reason, Huawei mobile phones have specially designed a 30 day photo retrieval function.

How to enable the NFC function of Huawei mobile phones?

Step 1

This video is recorded by Huawei Mate 30 Pro mobile phone and EMUI10.1.0 system. First open the settings, enter the settings page and click More Connections,

2 Step 2

After entering more connections, click NFC, and then slide the button to open NPC function.

The above is about the use of Huawei's own nfc function. For many friends, it may be a familiar word, but it is a strange function, but it can bring many conveniences in life.

  • This article is written by Published on February 11, 2023 08:43:00
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