How can Master Lu's APP be properly uninstalled? (The specific operation process of Master Lu's software uninstallation 2023)

Although it is a common phenomenon that computers are often poisoned due to some external factors, they cannot be opened, so frequent advertisements are always annoying. So how to uninstall and kill viruses through third-party platforms is very important, and how to use Master Lu to uninstall unwanted software?

Master Lu's specific operation process of unloading software

1. First, we open Master Lu and click My


2. Click the download center and hold the app installation package you want to delete


3. Click OK to delete


How does Master Lu set it best?

Tip 1: Close all background programs to improve the score

Actual measurement: opened the browser, QQ, WeChat, 360 security guards, and the scores are as follows:

Tip 2: Reduce the resolution and improve the score of video card

Another argument is that reducing the resolution will increase the number of frames, thus obtaining high scores. We reduced the resolution from 1080P to 800 × 600.

Tip 3: Disk defragmentation improves hard disk scores

The third method is to defragment the disk to improve the score of the hard disk. Because I am an SSD, the fragments have no effect, but the secondary disk is a mechanical hard disk, so I also sorted it out.

Tip 4: Change the settings of the video card to improve the score of the video card

This method changes the setting of the graphics card to "performance first". Generally speaking, the user's computer is automatically adjusted and will be adjusted to the performance mode when running points, but I still adjusted to the performance mode.

Tip 5: Change the power plan to improve the overall score

The last one is to set the power plan as a user-defined method. In fact, this method is similar to the previous one. It is basically effective when the laptop uses batteries. I am a desktop computer, which is useless, but I still adjusted it.

From what has been said above, I believe you are clear about how to uninstall Master Lu. I have to say that many friends value Master Lu's anti-virus performance, so the download rate is also high.

  • This article is written by Published on February 2, 2023 11:49:24
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