Why is there no sound in pr importing audio? Why the music imported by pr gets stuck

 lihan January 17, 2023 13:38:24 operating system comment two hundred and six one Reading mode

PR is familiar to us, especially in work. PR software can edit and process videos. Some people will encounter many situations when using it, such as importing videos and finding that there is no sound. Some people do not know how to solve the problem or why. Now let's see why there is no sound when importing pr audio?


Why there is no sound in pr importing audio

When there is no sound in pr audio, several common reasons should be analyzed first. One is to turn off the sound of pr in the volume synthesizer. The solution is very simple. We can find the volume icon in the lower right corner of the computer, right click and select "Volume Synthesizer" to find the pr, and then increase its volume.

If the above methods cannot solve the problem of no sound, it should be that there is a problem with the volume preferences in the pr settings. Next, let's see how to set it normally.

1. We open pr, click "Edit" in the menu bar above, and then select the "Preferences" option.

2. Then, we choose Audio Hardware, and then choose Speaker as the default output. If you are using a headset and the headset has no sound, you need to select a headset here.

Why the music imported by pr gets stuck

1. Open PR

2. Find Edit - Preferences - General

3. Find the audio hardware - default input

4. Set it to no input to solve the problem of PR preview audio jam. If this method fails to solve the problem, it means that your computer is too low and you can consider improving the performance.

If there is no sound in pr, it may be caused by the above situation. It is relatively simple to solve the problem according to the reason. PR can help us process images very well.

  • This article is written by Published on January 17, 2023 13:38:24
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