What software can read Fei Lu's free VIP novels? Freevip Permanent Free Edition

 shenxiaocen January 16, 2023 11:49:24 electronic text comment one hundred and eighty-five Reading mode

I believe you all know that Feilu Fiction Network contains a large number of excellent online novels, and is a great tool for bookworms to read books. At the same time, in the VIP version of Feilu Fiction, you can also experience free novel reading, listening to books, downloading offline reading services, etc. It can be said that it is so popular, but there are many novels here that need to be paid, so which platforms can watch them?


1. Love to read novel software

Love reading app is a book chasing software that can see Fei Lu's novels from beginning to end at no cost. All of its novels are copyrighted, and will not be taken off the shelf or broken. You can enjoy the copyrighted. It has a massive library of 300000 books, with a complete range of popular categories, all of which are available here. In addition, you can also save gold coins when reading novels. When you save enough, you can withdraw cash and make money while reading.

2. Bookworm novels

Bookworm novel is a reading app specially for novel fans. It does not need to register a VIP, and there is no advertisement for reading novels.

She has a large number of popular books with the same resources as Feilu's novels, such as some frequently seen novels of the types of fantasy, fairy knight errant, travel through, romance, and homograph. It is a necessary mobile e-book reader for novel fans, which allows you to read whenever and wherever you want, with more speed and pocket reading.

3. Qingcheng Novel

The Allure City Fiction app has a lot of beautiful free novels, and its novel library is very large. All books of Feilu's novels are free to read, and wonderful popular novels can be read at will. It also supports offline cache function, so that you can read without network connection, which is simple and practical.

4. Reading novels

Flipping is a novel reading artifact. It selects millions of high-quality book resources, popular online novels, novels adapted from popular TV dramas, etc., and can read all novel resources in Feilu's novels for free. Its features include offline pre reading, cloud bookshelf, automatic reading and automatic night mode, which can automatically save novel browsing records, so that you can continue reading perfectly even if you change your mobile phone. One button switch to night mode to protect your eyes.

5. Dejian Free Novel

The Dejian novel app is a free, genuine and high-quality book chasing software. It costs no money to read the novels of Feilu novels, seven cats free novels, Jinjiang and other major novel software for free. It has a very complete library of novels and a large number of high-quality e-books to meet your different reading needs and bring you a different reading experience.

6. Fiction Club

As an original novel software, it has a super full classification of online novels and classic masterpieces, as well as online updates by first-class contract writers. Among the female frequency bands, themes such as cross rebirth, fantasy, modern romance and so on rank at the top of the list, with infinite surprises.

7. Seven Cats Free Novel

As a truly free novel software, it sets benefits such as sign in and must read list recommendations. It also has popular film and television adapted novels, such as Douluo Continent, I Have a Sword, the Heir, Yulouchun, etc. Other novel resources are also beautiful and support listening to books.

8. Yisou Novels

The software focuses on quality reading, provides good reading experience for new and old users, presents a large number of genuine books, and popular works are favored. Big data pushes different works. It also supports offline download and fragmented time listening mode.

9. Read the novel quickly

It has a large number of themes such as suspense thrillers, military wars, games, campus, urban modern romance, fantasy, Wulin Immortals, and travel through. The gods' works are updated quickly, the interface is fresh and free, and the pages are turned and resources are downloaded smoothly.

10. Tomato free novel

This is a magic tool for free reading novels launched by Tiao Yin. A lot of genuine free books can be read here. You can also earn gold coins by reading books. According to your reading hobby, you can intelligently recommend some excellent works of the same type.

Fei Lu's novels integrate online reading and local reading, and have the best reading experience of peer novels on the Internet, as well as free novels, romance novels, urban novels, campus novels, fantasy novels, travel novels, and girls' novels.

  • This article is written by Published on January 16, 2023 11:49:24
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