Can Meitu Xiuxiu in mobile phone version be cut? Meitu Xiuxiu Textbook

I believe everyone is familiar with Meitu Xiuxiu. Especially for girls, a necessary image processing software on mobile phones can make pictures more beautiful. Many people want to cut pictures through software. So can Meitu Xiuxiu on mobile phones cut pictures? Let's take a look.


Can Meitu Xiuxiu in the mobile phone version cut corners

It is not allowed to cut the beautiful pictures of mobile phones.

Only the functions of beautifying pictures, portraits, puzzles and special effect cameras; Among them, only mosaic, border, text, special effects, background virtualization, enhancement and editing are available for beautifying pictures; There is no cutout function. Portrait beauty only has some beauty functions.

Meitu Xiuxiu Textbook

1. Download Meitu Xiuxiu on the computer, open Meitu Xiuxiu and select optimized matting

2. Select the picture again and select the tool to select the matting pen

3. Draw the picture you want to cut and choose to finish cutting

The mobile version of Meitu Xiuxiu cannot be cutout. If you want to cutout, you can choose the computer version. The operation is relatively simple. I hope the above content can be useful to you.

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