How to quickly execute the same formula in Excel column? After reading this article, you will

 weiwei January 24, 2023 16:33:00 Resource sharing comment one hundred and ninety-six Reading mode

Excel table is a commonly used format in office software. It can record and display various data. The main function of Excel now is calculation, which is convenient for our work. However, there are many complex formulas that make many people worried. Now let's talk about how to operate the same quick execution in Excel.

1. Input data

We use Excel to open a data document. In column E, we need to use formulas to calculate the sum of cells in columns B, C, and D.

2. Select Cells

Let's use the formula to calculate the result in cell E2, and click to select cell E2 first.

3. Enter formula

Then enter=B2+C2+D2 in the formula column.

4. Results

Press Enter to apply the formula. You can see that E2 cell has successfully calculated the result using the formula.

5. Using the fill function

However, the cell below does not need to manually enter a similar formula again. We can use the fill function to complete it. Click and select E2 cell first, and you can see a small square in the lower right corner.

6. Pull to the desired cell

Press the small square to pull down to the cell that no longer needs formula calculation.

7. The same formula results

After releasing the mouse, the same formula will be applied to the cells that pass by to calculate the results.

The above steps are about how to quickly execute the same formula in a column of Excel. If you don't know anything, you can refer to the introduction of the editor.

  • This article is written by Published on January 24, 2023 16:33:00
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