WeChat has lifted the 15 second video limit. How can we change from 15 seconds to 60 seconds

WeChat is very familiar to us. Now we all like to share our video life status in the circle of friends. However, WeChat video is limited to 15 seconds. Some people think that the time is too short. In fact, WeChat also has its own considerations. What are the ways to remove the 15 second video limit on WeChat? Let's take a look.


WeChat lifts 15 second video limit

The first method: use another app under WeChat

WeChat provides us with a way to release 30 second videos, that is, through another WeChat product "Micro View", which requires us to install the Micro View APP first, and then log in with WeChat, so that we can achieve the method of releasing 30 second videos.

Specific operation method: enter WeChat friends circle, click "Select from mobile phone photo album", select the WeChat long video to be released that exceeds 15 seconds in the photo album, and a prompt button "Send video for 30 seconds with WeChat" will appear in the upper right corner of the editing interface. Click to jump to Tencent WeChat to edit the video, and finally select "Publish and synchronize friends circle" You can synchronously share videos up to 30 seconds long to your circle of friends.

The second method: share after adding a collection

We can add videos to our collection first, and then publish them by sharing.

Specific operation method: Open mobile WeChat → "I" → "Collection" → the "+" in the upper right corner, and then click the icon similar to the upload picture to upload the video we need to upload. After uploading, click the "..." in the upper right corner, and then select "Share to the circle of friends". In this way, we will complete the needs of the circle of friends to release long videos.

How to change WeChat 15 seconds to 60 seconds

WeChat video recording can take up to 15 seconds, but cannot be changed to 60 seconds. WeChat video recording requires two steps, which can be operated in the shooting interface. The specific operation steps are as follows:

1. Open the WeChat app, click [+] on the chat interface, and then click [Capture].

2. Press and hold the shooting button, and release the button to end shooting.

At present, WeChat can publish videos for a long time. It is very important to find the right method. Some people may not know it. As long as you operate according to the above method, you can send long videos.

  • This article is written by Published on January 24, 2023 14:34:00
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