What's the matter if you can't insert page numbers in word? Tutorial of inserting page numbers in word 2023

 shenxiaocen January 22, 2023 09:00:00 operating system comment one hundred and twelve Reading mode

Word is a powerful word processing software. With it, you can easily input and arrange documents, master some basic operating skills of Word tables, which is crucial to improve work efficiency. However, many children also encounter many problems in the process of using Word. So what's the matter when Word cannot insert page numbers?


What's wrong with the page number not inserted in word?

It may be that the separator was inserted in the previous layout, and the page number cannot be inserted uniformly in the page, so the separator needs to be deleted.

How to solve the problem that the page number cannot be inserted in Word?

1. Select the "File" column above, as shown in the following figure.


2. Click the bottom "Option", as shown in the figure below.


3. Select "Template" in the "Add on" page and click "Go", as shown in the following figure.


4. Click "Add" in the red box, as shown in the following figure.


5. Click "OK" after finding the appropriate template, as shown in the following figure.


6. Under the "Insert" page, select "Page Number" and click "Bottom of Page Number", as shown in the following figure.


7. After that, click the insert page number again to insert it normally, as shown in the following figure.


The normal inserted page number is shown in the following figure.


  • This article is written by Published on January 22, 2023 09:00:00
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