Does intel fast storage technology need to be enabled? What's the use of intel fast storage technology

Many users of intel fast storage technology do not understand this, so they are hesitant to open it. In fact, if the system is installed on a solid state disk, it is unnecessary to install it. Now let's talk about it and see whether to open it.


Do you want to enable intel fast storage technology

Intel fast storage technology does not need to be turned on.

If the system is installed on the solid state disk, it is unnecessary to install this technology, because this technology uses the solid state disk as the cache to improve the performance of the mechanical disk.

Generally speaking, it is unnecessary.

What is intel fast storage technology

1. This is an application based on Windows, mainly to bring higher performance to desktop or notebook computers and some server platforms with SATA disks.

2. If multiple disks are used, this technology can be used to enhance the protection of information data in case of disk failure.

3. This technology is only applicable to users who use SSD mechanical disks, because this technology uses some SSDs as the cache of mechanical disks to improve the performance of mechanical disks.

4. It can significantly improve the speed of computer open software programs and games, and the settings are relatively simple.

If you want to understand this content, you can refer to this article.

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