Have fun Is mining a fraud? Have fun. Uncover the mining scam

 lihan January 6, 2023 13:44:51 operating system comment one hundred and forty-four Reading mode

Funny Bar Mining is a software that makes money, but it is different from other platforms. It is not very professional, and many people worry that it is a fraud. In fact, there are many cases in the market where people make money and then run away, so we must see clearly in this regard. So funny, isn't mining a fraud? Let's get to know.


Have fun. Is mining a fraud

Mining is to purchase mining machines for mining. The other is to purchase a mining machine. Most of them are deceptive. Don't believe propaganda unless you see it with your own eyes. The second is to carry out activities in major exchanges and purchase the accounting power of exchanges. Such people can participate. The transaction volume is large, and mining is fun.

It's a fraud, not a fraud. You can make money. After the exchange runs away, it's a fraud. Before the exchange runs away, you can make money. You can pay for nothing or make money. There is no risk in paying for nothing. If you have diamonds, you will sell them. If you make money, you will take a little risk. If the exchange is gone, and you still have many diamonds, you will lose.

As far as I know, some teams have begun to withdraw recently, and the withdrawal platform of the team may collapse due to the rupture of the capital chain. How long a project can last depends on the driving force of the market and the pattern of the project side. After more than a year of operation, the market driving force and the pattern of the project party are still OK, but with the withdrawal of the team, the collapse is inevitable.

I don't recommend players who want to enter the arena now for a share. Early entry may earn some money, but now it is obviously late. Don't follow the trend blindly when doing projects, and make decisions after understanding the market situation.

Others claim that there are offline physical mining machines. You just need to buy the computing power of the mining machine, which is equivalent to renting the computing power of the mining machine to you. They are responsible for the maintenance of the mining machine and the depreciation of the equipment. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies dug out belong to you.

More than 95% of the content you see in any mode is a hoax. First, let's look at the first so-called cloud mining. I'm just paying for computing power. The more powerful your computing power is, the more Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies you can find. But many of these patterns are just virtual numbers of web pages, and the background can be changed. So you use money to buy computing power. The Bitcoin you finally dug out is fake.

In addition, even if it can be proved that you have dug Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, they are only temporarily stored in other people's accounts. Generally, this mobile cloud mining mode requires a certain amount of coins. It takes a long time to reach this cycle or threshold, which is enough to make people flee.

First of all, it depends on whether this software is reliable or not. You should be careful when playing this software. Don't be cheated. I suggest you choose carefully.

  • This article is written by Published on January 6, 2023 13:44:51
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