How to Connect Android Mobile Phone to the Internet (International Network Course 2023 for Android System Login)

In life, many friends are curious and always want to know about foreign news and events. Even some information banned in China can only be found through the Internet. However, connecting to the Internet in China is not a simple thing. It needs tools to achieve this. How can Android phones connect to the Internet?


How does the mobile phone connect to the Internet?

Through Linghu browser

1. Linghu Browser is a browser that can freely access overseas mainstream websites. It is said that it is a tool for mobile phones to access the Internet. In fact, it is not only available for mobile phones to access the Internet, but also for computers, because Linghu browser supports Windows, Android and iOS at the same time.

Through Upx browser

UPX browser and mobile phone UPX browser APP are powerful and designed with Chrome kernel. The software interface is simple and generous. You can directly visit overseas sites without an agent. Each famous site can log in with one click to understand the local conditions and customs of various countries. The mobile UPX browser app provides you with the latest information from all over the world. It is rich in content, convenient to read, efficient and power saving, and makes surfing more comfortable.

Via Tenta browser

The Tenta browser does not need an accelerator to visit foreign websites. You do not need to visit foreign websites in micro batch. A safe browser has been born. The software does not need any settings. Just enter the website address you want to enter. For final privacy, the software does not allow screenshots! (This setting can be turned off) You can visit various foreign websites, such as Tubing! The ultimate privacy, security and convenience of browsers.

What should I pay attention to when connecting mobile phones to the Internet?

1. Transfer data of other TCP protocols other than HTTP protocol through eSDK, such as FTP, SFTP,SSH,POP3,SMTP, Instant messaging framework, etc.

2. Realize free access to the intranet and internet through eSDK, which is used to integrate third-party maps, message push, etc.

3. Access the intranet through eSDK using network frameworks such as Retrofit, Volley, OKHttp, etc

4. Use HTTPS protocol intranet web service through eSDK

Some browsers that access the Internet usually need to register for the first login before they can use the next login. It is also normal. Just follow the steps.

  • This article is written by Published on December 25, 2023 11:57:27
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