How much RMB is equivalent to 1000 dithering coins? Conversion rules between dithering coins and RMB

 weiwei January 5, 2023 16:42:02 Software download comment one hundred and seventy-six Reading mode

In the dithering platform, the dithering coin plays an important role. When we watch the live broadcast of dithering, we use the dithering coin as a gift to the anchor. So before we buy the dithering coin, how much is the dithering coin? Do you have any exchange rules?


How much RMB is equivalent to 1000 dithering coins

The conversion of 1000 dithering coins to RMB is about 100 yuan. Dithering coin, also known as dithering sound wave, is a virtual currency provided to users for related consumption on the platform. You can use "dithering coin" to freely purchase virtual gifts and other products or services on the platform; you can give the virtual gifts you buy to the anchor or platform creators.

Dithering coins cannot be directly converted into RMB. If you need to convert the dithering coins into RMB, you can cooperate with two people to cash out the dithering coins, but here the dithering coin will draw a high commission. After users buy gifts with dithering coins, they will give them to the anchor. At the anchor end, the gifts will be converted into sound waves. The dithering coins cannot be converted into RMB, but sound waves can.

The exchange ratio between the trembling coins and RMB is 10:1. One yuan can buy 10 trembling coins; But the dithering is definitely not available for one yuan. You should see that there is a certain recharge. 60 dithering coins for 6 yuan and 300 dithering coins for 30 yuan. You can buy according to your own needs!

Can we give each other a free shake

The coin can't be given to each other. The coin can't be transferred to friends. The user's coin can be rewarded and consumed in the platform, and can't withdraw or give away. Dithering coin can't be given to friends directly, but it can be given to friends in the form of buying gifts. Dithering coin is a virtual currency provided to users for related consumption on the platform, and can be used to buy virtual gifts freely.

In the latest dithering system mechanism, the dithering coins on the dithering voice are mainly obtained through user recharge. In the dithering APP, the dithering coins can be obtained through direct recharge, but also through some third-party platforms. In addition to recharging, you can also get a certain amount of coins by the activity of robbing for red envelopes in the audio studio, but the amount of coins obtained by robbing for red envelopes is random.

  • This article is written by Published on January 5, 2023 16:42:02
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