How to uninstall cuttlefish balls? A video uninstall tutorial of cuttlefish balls

 weiwei January 19, 2023 16:28:00 operating system comment one hundred and thirty-six Reading mode

When it comes to the cuttlefish ball video, some people may not understand what the software is, and then find the cuttlefish ball video in their own computers. So let's tell you how to uninstall the cuttlefish ball video and see what methods are available.

Unloading method of cuttlefish video

Method 1:

If the user only wants to exit this application, let him never pop up the window, but can open it for use by himself, click Settings - Permanent Exit.


Method 2:

If the user wants to completely uninstall this application, he can open 360 Security Guard - Features - My Tools. For version 13, click the "Management" button on the right. For version 13, click the "Edit" button at the bottom of the features, and then click the "x" on the cuttlefish ball video to remove it.


Method 3:

Restart the computer first.


Find this page, path: C: user user name AppData Roaming 360Sefe SoftMgr (note: fill in the user name in the lock screen of your computer)

If you use the same 360 version as mine, the file on this page is the same as mine.

This folder contains most 360 advertisements. The cuttle folder contains cuttlefish balls.

If you want to completely uninstall, drag this folder (softmgr) to the desktop, and then drag it to the recycle bin.

You can also just unload the cuttlefish ball file.

That's how to uninstall the cuttlefish ball video. If you need it, you can refer to the small editor.

  • This article is written by Published on January 19, 2023 16:28:00
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