Why the Apple Tablet App Store can't log in, and how to log in to the Apple Tablet App Store

 weiwei December 30, 2022 18:12:43 operating system comment one hundred and twenty-eight Reading mode

The iPad is an electronic device that everyone will definitely use now, and it is also very convenient. It's great to watch the big screen of the play. However, the iPad is more like the Apple phone in that it needs to log in to the account to download software. So many people say that my iPad can't log in to the app store. What's the matter?


Solution to failure to log in to Apple's tablet app store

Ipadappstore failed to log in Reason:

1. Password error: Because the Apple ID password is usually composed of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers or symbols, you need to distinguish the lower case letters when logging in. If you forget the password, please go to the official account management page of Apple to retrieve it first.

2. Account locked: If you or others enter too many wrong passwords, answers to security questions, or other account information, Apple ID will automatically lock to protect the security of the account, and you cannot log in to any Apple service. Please go to the official account management page of Apple, and then use the existing password to unlock the account or reset the password.

3. Incomplete account information: if the account has not logged into the App Store before and the information is not filled in completely, it will not be able to log in and use normally, just fill in completely.

4. Network fluctuation: you can first check the settings under -. If the network settings are normal, you can try to reconnect to Wi Fi, or try to log in when the network is relatively smooth. If you still cannot solve the problem after reconnecting, you can restore the iPhone network settings first.

5. Apple server problems: Users can click the system status page on Apple's official website to check whether there are abnormal problems at present, and can wait for recovery before operating.

6. The account was logged in on a strange Apple device and disabled by Apple's security system. Verification is required.

The above is the reason why the iPad can't be listed in the app store. If you are not clear about anything, you can refer to the small compilation.

  • This article is written by Published on December 30, 2022 18:12:43
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/13307.html
