How to use the cdn defense server, and the steps to use the cdn defense server

CDN server is a special type of server system. To be precise, it is not a single server, but a cache server system composed of multiple servers. It can accelerate the Internet server. Now let's talk about how to use it.


How to use the CDN server

How to use advanced anti DDoS CDN to defend against DDOS attacks:

1. Hide the website origin IP to provide security

Hide the IP address of the origin server. The cdn domain name resolution is only for the resolution record value, not for the source server IP, thus hiding the source server IP address. CDN can have multiple advanced defense nodes to resist large-scale traffic attacks, intercept and clean a large number of traffic, and reduce the impact of traffic attacks on services. The advanced anti DDoS CDN exposes the IP address segment of each network node, and uses the CDN network node IP to realize the service forwarding to the source station. The attacker cannot obtain the real user source station according to the service interaction, thus ensuring the security of the source station.

2. Defense mechanism of advanced anti DDoS cdn

Adjust the advanced defense protection strategy according to different attack types, so as to intercept and clean attacks more effectively and reduce the impact of attacks on websites.

3. Good cache acceleration

The cdn itself can grab cache files nearby, schedule them according to DNS intelligent resolution, speed up the static data resources in the business website, and speed up the distribution of dynamic and static resources to reduce the bandwidth consumption of the source server. The speed is improved, the experience is enhanced, and the operation cost is saved.

DDoS attack defense method

Filter unnecessary services and ports: You can use tools such as Inexpress, Express, Forwarding to filter unnecessary services and ports, that is, filter fake IP addresses on the router. At present, only opening the service port has become a popular practice for many servers. For example, the WWW server only opens 80 ports and closes all other ports or makes a blocking policy on the firewall.

Cleaning and filtering of abnormal traffic: the abnormal traffic is cleaned and filtered through the DDOS hardware firewall, and the top technologies such as rule filtering of data packets, fingerprint detection filtering of data streams, and customized filtering of data packet content can accurately determine whether the external access traffic is normal, and further prohibit the filtering of abnormal traffic. A single load can defend 8-927 million syn attack packets per second.

Distributed cluster defense: This is an effective way for the network security community to defend against large-scale DDOS attacks. The feature of distributed cluster defense is that each node server is configured with multiple IP addresses (load balancing), and each node can withstand no less than 50G of DDOS attacks. If a node is attacked and cannot provide services, the system will automatically switch to another node according to the priority settings, and return all the attacker's data packets to the sending point, making the attack source paralyzed.

Advanced anti DDoS intelligent DNS resolution: the perfect combination of the highly intelligent DNS resolution system and the DDOS defense system, which subverts the traditional practice of one domain name corresponding to one image, and intelligently resolves the DNS resolution request to the server of the user's network according to the user's Internet route. At the same time, the intelligent DNS resolution system also has a downtime detection function, which can intelligently replace the paralyzed server IP with the normal server IP at any time.

  • This article is written by Published on December 28, 2022 18:22:54
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