How does the fps of the n card display shortcut keys? How to set the n card to keep the frame number stable

How does NVIDIA display frames? Many friends want to display the number of frames when playing games. In the same way, you can always see the running state of the computer. How can the fps of the n card display shortcut keys?


How does the fps of the n card display shortcut keys?

Press Alt+Z to open the NVIDIA panel or directly open the NVIDIA panel.

Click Performance.


Enter performance monitoring and open performance layer settings.


Select the appropriate position to display the frame number.


How to set the n card to keep the frame number stable?

1. First, we need to find the control panel of the N card from the "Control Panel";


2. After entering the control panel, change the viewing mode to "large icon";


3. Then, in the control panel list, find and open the "NVIDIA Control Panel" program;


4. Finally, select the "3D Setting Image" option on the N card control panel, find the adjustment button at the bottom of the preview image, and adjust it to the "Performance" side, so that the operation of the N card can be biased towards the performance mode, thus improving the frame rate.

The above is about how to display shortcut keys on the fps of the n card, and how to set the n card to keep the frame number stable. I hope it can help those who need to solve this problem.

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