How to use the external card recorder of WeChat applet, and how to use the external card recorder of WeChat applet

 weiwei December 26, 2022 18:14:27 operating system comment one hundred and fifty-two Reading mode

WeChat applet is equipped with an external card recorder, which supports mobile phone code scanning and recording, and is convenient and fast. The applet has a variety of built-in function modules, including: product details, promotional activities, preferential information, member management, promotional activities, preferential information, member management, point redemption, etc.


Can WeChat card recorder be used with friends

How to play games with friends on WeChat:

1. Open WeChat and click [Discovery] in WeChat.

2. Click [Game] below on the discovery page.

3. Find the game you want to play with your friends under the open page, click to download it, and then you can play it together.

How to use the card recorder

1. First, start a game and select the mode to start, such as classic mode.

2. After entering the interface, you can see a "card recorder" button on the top of the interface.

3. After clicking, choose to use 1500 Happy Beans to purchase a "card recorder".

4. After successful purchase, click "Start Game".

5. After starting the game, the card recorder is automatically used. When the player starts playing cards, he can see the record of playing cards and the record of not playing cards.

This is how to use the card recorder. If you don't understand anything, you can refer to this article.

  • This article is written by Published on December 26, 2022 18:14:27
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