Where can I find the new computer product key? How to activate Windows 10 permanently without a key

 lihan December 22, 2022 13:06:50 computer software comment one hundred and seventy Reading mode

Nowadays, more and more people buy computers, but they still don't know much about the functions of computers. There are some friends who don't know where to find the product key of Windows system computers and how to open it. Today, I will take you to learn about the tutorial in detail.

Where can I find the new computer product key

Method: Enter the system page in the control panel
1. To view the Windows product key, first enter the control panel.


2. Click System to enter the system page.


3. In the system interface, find the Windows activation column, where the product ID is the product key.


How to activate Windows 10 permanently without a key
1. Purchase the key of the corresponding version of the system from Microsoft official or other channels to activate.
2. Search for the activation key or activation tool of the corresponding version to activate.
3. Create a dual system in the notebook, and create a win7 or win8, but the version is the same as that of win10.
4. After activation, follow the steps below.
5. Open the downloaded Win10ISO image in the Win7/Win8.1 system you activated, find the gatherosstate.exe program in the Sources folder, and copy it to the desktop.
6. Double click gatherosstate.exe, and a file named GenuineTicket. will be generated on the desktop later (the name translates to "genuine passport").
7. Then enter the win10 system, open the C: ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsClipSVCGenuineTicket folder (note that ProgramData is a hidden folder), and copy the saved GenuineTicket. file to this directory.
8. Restart the computer to ensure that the system is connected to the network, and it will be automatically activated later. You can also manually click "Activate Now" in the system properties.

The above is about the introduction of the computer product key. I don't know how to open it. You can do it according to the above operation. I have tested it personally, and it is very effective.

  • This article is written by Published on December 22, 2022 13:06:50
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