Teach you how to select non adjacent multiple lines in excel, and complete knowledge of excel operation skills

 weiwei December 18, 2022 09:24:00 Tooltip comment three hundred and eighty Reading mode

Excel is no stranger to migrant workers. It is a very important office software. Many jobs can not do without it. This can save a lot of time for us, and it is very clear and convenient. However, there are some skills for excel sometimes, which may not be very clear to many people. Let's talk about some operating skills of excel.

How to select non adjacent multiple lines in excel

1. Open an excel workbook in the computer, as shown in the following figure.


2. The first method: hold down the Ctrl key, click the cell with the mouse to select, and release the Ctrl key after selection. Several nonadjacent rows have been selected.


3. The second method: You can also press Shift+F8 to directly select discontinuous cells. If you want to cancel, press the shortcut key again to cancel discontinuous cells:


4. The third method: In the cell input box at the top left corner of the table, enter the range of cells to be selected, separated by commas in English:


5. Click Enter to select the selected cell.


The above is about how to select nonadjacent multiple lines for excel. If you don't understand it, you can refer to what the above editor introduced. This is just a small knowledge point. If there is anything else you want to know, you can pay more attention to our website.

  • This article is written by Published on December 18, 2022 09:24:00
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