What software is Lumion used for? Is Lumion easy to learn and how to operate

 weiwei December 17, 2022 09:26:00 Software download comment one hundred and seventeen Reading mode

Lumion is a simple and fast rendering software, which aims to observe scene effects in real time and quickly produce renderings. Its advantages are fast speed, friendly interface, and its own Chinese language. Many design or film students will use this software. So how to use this software? Is it difficult to learn by yourself?

How does Lumion operate

After Lumion is opened, it will enter into the start page of Lumion. At the top of the start page, select the language, and click to enter the language setting page.


The default language of Lumion is English. We can select the language we need to use through the corresponding "flag". After determining the language, we can select the Lumion scene. On the start page, the Lumion system has many scenes to choose from, each with its own characteristics. The last one is "white scene", which is suitable for large-scale processing in the later PS.


After determining the new scene of Lumion, Lumion will start loading. We'd better not do other operations during the loading process. Lumion software itself occupies a high amount of memory and graphics card, so it is better to only run Lumion.


After Lumion finishes loading, we will directly enter the new scene. We can see that the blue sky and white clouds in the scene are very intuitive and realistic. Now we need to import our model.


Select "Import - Import New Model" at the bottom left of the Lumion operation page to import the new model, and Lumion will pop up the corresponding file browsing window.


In the pop-up file browsing window, we can select the model file we need to process. Lumion takes FBX file as the main model import file, and most building software can export FBX model file.


After confirming the import command, we will enter the naming phase of the model. We need to name the imported new model.


The model name is the best image. You can understand the general model information directly from the name.

After naming the model, you can place the model. Click the left mouse button directly to place it in the corresponding position.

Edit the material. If the ground has been paved, you can replace the water material of Lumion without further adjustment (the water surface and glass will not be replaced).

Is Lumion eager to learn

Generally speaking, when choosing a renderer, we should start from the actual needs. At present, Lumion is widely used in the market. As an independent rendering software, Lumion can be used to produce films and still frame works, involving the fields of architecture, planning and design. It can also deliver live demonstrations. Lumion's strength lies in its ability to provide excellent images and combine fast and efficient workflow to save you time, energy and money.

From the analysis of the difficulty of getting started, Lumion is moderate, which can be said to be relatively simple. It takes a few days to master the basic operations, but it still needs some time to contact the good looking pictures and the appropriate parameters for map adjustment.

Lumion is still used frequently in domestic landscape companies, because the current situation of domestic landscape is that if the requirements for the quality of renderings are very high, they will be outsourced to renderings companies. In this case, the general drawings produced by Lumion can fully meet the rendering requirements of landscape companies. If Lumion uses it well, the renderings can compete with the renderings produced by the renderings company.

Lumion has the advantages of convenient planting, animation and simple material adjustment. The disadvantage is that as an independent rendering software, we need to switch with the model software when operating, not in particular.

This is a very good simple and fast rendering software, which can quickly produce renderings, so there are some difficulties. You can see the multi-point tutorial, and you will learn it soon.

  • This article is written by Published on December 17, 2022 09:26:00
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