How can I like the videos quickly? We can't find the video we liked

Fasthand is one of people's favorite software. It can watch all kinds of videos on it, and also bring us a lot of joy. It can also share your life on it. When you meet a favorite video, you can collect it and like it. It is a very popular short video platform. How can I like the videos quickly? Why can't we find the video we liked?


How to find my favorite videos quickly

Step 1: Slide the left and right screens on the mobile phone desktop to find the installed "quick hand" icon.

Step 2: Click the "Main Menu" button in the upper left corner of the open main interface of fast hand.

Step 3: Click the "Personal Center" button at the top in the open shortcut main menu.

Step 4: At this time, you will open the personal center page of Fasthand and click the "Like" tab.

Step 5: At this time, you will see a list of all the videos you have liked before on the open page.

Step 6: Click the liked video, and the video playing page will open.

We can't find the reason for the video we liked

1. It may be the problem of network delay. When you click, it is not sent to the background.

2. A system error occurred due to a software problem. If there is no point, just click again.

3. The person who released the video deleted the work, so he could not see the work he liked.

4. The work is officially sealed, so there is no way to see it.

If you want to quickly find the video you like, you can use the steps shared above. If you can't find it, it may be because the video has been blocked or deleted. I hope the above content will help you.

  • This article is written by Published on December 12, 2022 13:51:14
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