Which platform is easy to use? Top 10 hot foreign social software apps

 shenxiaocen December 7, 2022 14:10:28 Software download comment one hundred and eight Reading mode

With the continuous development of the Internet, social platforms have gradually become a part of people's lives. For many people, it may be because they are tired at work and do not like face-to-face communication with others, so they will also relax themselves through some media channels when they are free from work. In this case, no social interaction is needed. What are the more popular ones?



Social network service website, launched on February 4, 2004, ranked first globally, Google ranked second globally, and Baidu ranked fifth. Its domestic imitators include Renren and Kaixin;


Social microblog website, launched in June 2006, ranked 8th globally, Sina Weibo ranked 35 globally, and domestic imitators include Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, etc;


This is one of the earliest dating websites, which was established in San Francisco in 1993. It is a very well-known community. Users can browse other people's personal information on the website, but they need to pay to contact each other. At the same time, after registration, they need to review their personal information to join the website members.


The user base is extremely large, reaching 150 million users. This website can be used for free, and continuous messages are also free, so the threshold for communication and matching is lower.


Tinder is also very simple to use. When you see the person you like, slide TA's photo to the right, and when you see the person you don't like, slide pass to the left. If two people like each other at the same time, they will pair up and send messages to each other.


The most popular light blog platform, established in 2007, ranks 36th in the world. This product turns blog into a stream of consciousness type trivial narrative. The log is short and concise, and the trigger points are very random - it can be a photo, a video, an introduction, a link, or even a flash. Domestic imitators such as Diandian, Lofter, Sina Light Blog, etc;


In addition to having a large user group, it also supports hundreds of regions and different voices around the world, so that you can easily chat with people around the world, share every day of your life here, and even express your feelings with video and voice.


YouTube is the world's largest video sharing social media platform and video search engine. Every day, people watch videos on YouTube for billions of hours, which makes it the best advertising platform for video advertising.


The photo sharing community website was launched in March 2010, ranking 38th in the world. There are no pure successful imitators in China, but Meilishuo and Mushroom Street models have borrowed from this website;.


Snapchat is a very popular platform for young people. If your target audience is millennials or younger, you can definitely try this platform.


The online dating platform was established in September 2003, ranking 183rd in the world. It was very popular. In September 2007, Pages per Visit was surpassed by Facebook, and Reach daily was surpassed at the beginning of 2009;


VK is the second largest social networking site in Europe, and its traffic is second only to Facebook. The website has several language options, and Russian speaking users around the world are particularly popular. Like other social networks, the site allows users to leave messages, make their contact information public or private, create groups, public pages and activities, share and tag images, audio and video, and browser based games.

These are some popular social platforms with many users. Maybe many people only know about tiktok, Facebook and other platforms, but in fact, there are many others, but few people know about them.

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