What is the main content of SEM? How about the training of sem bidding course

Bidding is also called Baidu Bidding, because Baidu has large traffic and high market share, which is a way to use the rules of search engines to improve the natural ranking of websites in relevant search engines. It can be said that the demand of this industry is relatively large, so many people are gradually understanding, so what is the main content of SEM?


What is the main content of SEM?

1. Basic Account Operation

No matter how much we say about sem optimization knowledge learning, we must implement it. It is to master the basic operation of Baidu, Sogou, 360 and other bidding accounts. That is, at which level to set the promotion region, where to add negative words, where to set IP shielding, etc., you should be very quick and skilled, so as to lay a good foundation for the future sem optimization work, and do not waste time on such basic operations.

2. Data analysis strategy

For sem optimization, data analysis is the most important. Get a keyword conversion data report, or a search term report. They all know how to optimize keywords or account settings. The most important thing is to make the effect of sem promotion better. There are also data analysis methods in the blog, and interested peers can learn about them in depth.

3. Market environment

The analysis of the above two points is about the learning process of SEM account optimization. After deeply mastering the first two SEM strategies, we should improve our overall view of SEM, that is, to do a good job in market environment analysis, including crowd positioning, competitor analysis, and so on. These contents are the only way to become advanced SEM.

How do beginners learn sem?

01 Baidu Promotes Official Books or Tutorials

It is fundamental to lay a good foundation for the so-called constant change, so first read the complete system of Baidu promotion official books, have a systematic understanding of Baidu bidding, know what Baidu bidding is, what problems can be solved, what are the basic principles of account building, presentation mechanism, etc. If you can know what Baidu bidding is after closing Huben or the tutorial, That means you know Baidu bidding.

02 Understand Baidu's full commercial product knowledge

We know that the full name of SEM is "search engine marketing", so it is also important to understand other Baidu products. Although the main research object of SEM is the bidding system at present, if you want to become a complete semer, you need to know not only Baidu bidding, but also other promotional products. First, you can improve your own pattern, and second, you can understand the promotion products of competitors!

03 Register Baidu bidding account

With basic theoretical knowledge, the next step is to integrate theory into practice, and register an empty Baidu Fengchao account, which can help you understand and deepen the sem system. You can try to use the knowledge you have learned to build a complete account for a specific industry and specific launch needs.

How about sem bidding course training?

Its role is not simply to compete for rankings. It needs to consider the budget, search intention, launch strategy and other factors to have a suitable bidding standard.

Every keyword is a commodity. Since commodities have corresponding value, we need to judge the value of keywords according to the transformation of keywords.

Therefore, keyword bidding is not to compete for rankings. We adjust keyword bidding to buy more cost-effective traffic.

1. Browse to understand the stage

For keywords with weak purchase intention, the bid and ranking should not be too high. The higher the bid, the lower the conversion rate. Usually, these words are mostly industry words.

2. Select Stage

For keywords with moderate purchase intention, it is OK to bid moderately and rank moderately. The conversion rate of this group is relatively constant. Usually, these words are mostly long tailed words.

3. Purchase decision stage

For words with high purchase intention, high bid and high ranking, the higher the ranking is, the higher the conversion rate will be. Usually these words are brand words.

4. Cold words

Unusual words are basically not searched by ordinary netizens, so the intention is also high. However, such words often have certain industry particularity.

The above is about what to learn in SEM, how to learn SEM for beginners, and how to train in SEM bidding courses. In essence, only by mastering certain skills can you stand firm in the industry.

  • This article is written by Published on December 6, 2022 14:24:51
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