Is SEM bidding easy to learn? How long will it take for self-study? What is SEM bidding mainly used for

The Internet industry is undergoing earth shaking changes every day, so it constantly updates some knowledge. It is not uncommon for various industries to use bidding to promote. SEM has become a popular profession at present, and some white people choose to learn SEM bidding to improve their skills. So is this SEM bidding easy to learn, and how long will it take?


Is SEM bidding promotion easy to learn

SEM bidding promotion is still relatively easy to learn and easy to use!

Take account operation as an example, you can learn from some tutorials in two or three days, but this is only limited to account operation, such as search intention analysis, channel concept, promotion dimension (time, region), bidding process, and more than a dozen basic knowledge. With these knowledge as the underlying thinking, you can now build an account model in your mind and build an account according to this model.

If further effect optimization is involved, you need to master some account delivery skills and data analysis ability, and you need to continue learning and training in the later period to improve.

What is the prospect of the position of SEM specialist

Big data intuitively shows that in 2018, sem specialists are still worth choosing. At present, there is a large shortage of talents in various enterprises. It can be said that there is a market for this area. Compared with other industries, it has not reached saturation, so this area of jobs is also very good for employment.

More and more industries will acquire customers through the Internet. SEM is targeted by keywords, which is a good channel in terms of effectiveness and cost in online marketing channels. It is essential for companies to equip SEM positions.

Semer's employment status is very impressive in the peak job hunting season~Although it is the mobile era and the social media era, there is no trend to replace the search engine. Maybe there will be some other forms to subvert text search, such as voice search, image search, and most of these subversive technical concepts will also appear in search engine companies, Because in the era of data, only these search engine companies understand what users need, and eventually there will be products with corresponding models, which is also the first thing SEM will contact.

What does SEM do

SEM is a form of online advertising marketing. What SEM does is to carry out online marketing and promotion through search engines (Baidu, Sogou, 360, etc.), and use payment to do online marketing for the company. SEM pursues the highest rate of return on investment, and with the smallest investment, it can obtain the largest number of visits in search engines and generate business value.

Bidding is also called Baidu Bidding, because Baidu has large traffic, high market share, and more people placing Baidu advertisements. There are also many nicknames for bidding, such as network promotion, search promotion, advertising optimizer, optimization specialist, etc. In addition, the popular information flow is also called information flow optimizer; Short video promotion personnel, also called display promotion.

Well, the above is the introduction of SEM, which can be taught by yourself, and there can be another channel to improve skills. So if you are interested, you can try it.

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