What are the requirements for live video? WeChat video number live broadcast assistant software

 shenxiaocen December 5, 2022 14:28:23 Software download comment one hundred and forty-eight Reading mode

In this era of the rise of short videos, both WeChat and audio videos are so popular. It can also be said that many people choose the first choice for cash, but no matter what platform, if you want to make money through live broadcast, you need to meet the conditions for opening, whether it is hi fans or active degree, what conditions do you need for live broadcast of video accounts?


What are the requirements for live video?

1. Live broadcast conditions of video number

There is no condition for opening a video number, but if you want to use a video number for live broadcast, you need to apply for your own video number first, and then send out a few video content before you can apply for live broadcast. If you want to use live video to carry goods, you need to open an applet store to connect the video number through the applet store and guide users to click the link to purchase.

2. Live applet conditions

Similarly, if there is no WeChat app store, you need to apply for your own app first. After applying for the app, you can use HiShop mobile cloud store system to develop specific store functions. After the functions are fully developed, you can add several orders to your store, which adds up to more than 100, and then you can apply for the live broadcast function.

WeChat video number live broadcast assistant software

Dithering live broadcast partner

The dithering live broadcast companion is an anchor auxiliary tool specially prepared for the dithering anchor. The software is very simple to use and can help users to live and record videos. Users only need to obtain the streaming address on the dithering, and then enter your dithering live broadcast address in the streaming address window and click Finish to start the live broadcast.

Video number live broadcast assistant

The live broadcast assistant is a live broadcast activity management tool for WeChat video numbers, which can manage live broadcast goods and other content. During live broadcast, it can easily modify the inventory and price of goods, operate/stop issuing vouchers, and modify the inventory of goods;

Quick live broadcast partner

The computer version of fast hand live broadcast companion is an official game live broadcast software launched by GIF fast hand. The computer version of fast hand live broadcast companion supports win7, win8.1 and win10 systems. The anchor can also open and enter the live broadcast room on the mobile phone to watch the live broadcast effect and receive gifts, so that the anchor and fans can better interact.

OBS Studio

OBS Studio is an open source live broadcast client, which allows the use of the local machine for external live broadcast. Since the software is foreign, the project is in GitHub, and most people download it slowly. The latest official version of the image of the peeled fruit core is available for high-speed download.

OBS Studio has built-in some common plug-ins, such as window capture, video capture device, text, image, media source, etc.

Why do more and more anchors choose many live broadcast tools as an assistant when they broadcast live? In fact, this is because even though our live broadcast is becoming more and more standardized, it is still improving, because the game playing method of video number has not really formed, the video number itself is still improving, and the live broadcast assistant tool can play a complementary role.

  • This article is written by Published on December 5, 2022 14:28:23
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