Is WordPress easy to use? Detailed Tutorial of Wordpress Website Construction

WordPress, referred to as WP for short, is a blog system that is often used when building websites, and it is very helpful. I believe this function will also be used when operating websites. Today, let's introduce how WordPress can be used to build websites?


Is WordPress easy to use

WordPress is very powerful and easy to use. Xiaobai can learn it once he learns it.

There are many WordPress plug-ins, which are convenient to extend functions. For example, All in One SEO Pack (doing some search engine optimization), Google XML Sitemaps (automatically generating sitemap.xml and other files to submit to Google), PinYin Slug (converting Chinese characters in the url to Pinyin), Ultimate Google Analytics (very convenient to use Google's statistical functions), WordPress Database Backup (easily backing up the database) used by Around Web. If you want to develop these functions yourself, I don't know how much time it will take.

WordPress has many themes and is easy to customize various styles, such as personal or blog websites, corporate websites, e-commerce websites, etc.

WordPress security is guaranteed. The release of WordPress version is very cautious, and there are many testers when releasing the test, and there is a large amount of feedback information about problems. Official technicians also attach great importance to security, so you can use it with confidence. Compared with other CMS website building programs, WordPress is a reassuring program.

When is Wordpress appropriate?

Wordpress is appropriate when website content requirements are light and visual effects are concerned. For example, for small enterprises, Wordpress's low cost and strong plasticity can help enterprises quickly build a website that meets visual needs and publicity needs.

However, as the content volume of the website becomes more and more complex, it is necessary to consider developing a platform or adopting a more complete CMS system.

Detailed Tutorial of Wordpress Website Construction

First, clear website positioning

It is believed that the construction of Wordpress website is not a temporary intention. Whether it is to establish personal blog, novel website or corporate official website, we need to establish a clear goal for our website. After the goal is determined, we need to collect all kinds of information. It is feasible to summarize our own advantages or learn from the experience of peers. It is also a very forward-looking step to determine TDK before purchasing a domain name

Second, the choice of website domain name

A good domain name can make users easily remember our website, and even if it is not saved, it can also be quickly recalled through Lenovo. The domain name should highlight the characteristics of the website as much as possible, so that users can see it clearly at a glance. Many large websites will choose to use numbers and letters to promote the brand, while small and medium-sized websites need to let users know what the website is doing through the domain name. Easy to remember, the domain name with prominent theme is our first choice.

Third, select the appropriate server

The server is very important to our website. The quality of the server determines the speed and security of our website. Therefore, it is suggested to choose our server through a formal way, which will save us a lot of trouble in the future website operation. We choose the server according to our own situation, and the one that suits us is the best.

Fourth, domain name resolution

The domain name purchased can only be used by us through resolution. This operation can be carried out in the background of the cloud service provider that purchased the domain name. After the domain name resolution, we have the basic conditions for website production.

Fifth, website production

Website production is the most important and tedious step:

1. In order to facilitate the post management of the website, we can help us establish the website through the pagoda software, complete the relevant operations in the pagoda, and install WordpressCMS (content management system) after adding the domain name. Unpack the WordpressCMS compressed package we downloaded in advance to the root directory under our domain name through the pagoda to complete the installation.

2. After the installation is completed, you can enter our website background to design the website structure through the browser. A good website needs a reasonable structure and layout. It can not only facilitate the user's experience, but also facilitate search engine queries.

3. We need to fill in the title, description and key words of the website at this time. This is what we prepared in advance. TDK is the business card of the website. Once it is determined, don't change it easily.

4. The content construction of the website needs to be constantly updated if the website wants to be included and ranked. Search engines like novel and high-quality articles. It is a long-term job to keep the website content updated with high quality. We can also use Wordpress collection plug-in for management.

WordPress collection plug-in does not need to master professional technology. It can easily complete collection, pseudo original, translation, release and active push in a few simple steps.

The user only needs to click the rules in the Wordpress collection plug-in to complete the setting. After that, the system will match the content and pictures and automatically perform the article aggregation according to the keywords, collection time, whether it is pseudo original, whether it is translated, and publishing time set by the user.

The WordPress collection plug-in has comprehensive SEO functions, supports most CMS on the market, supports inserting keywords into titles and content, replacing image localization, supports real-time monitoring of website progress, and views website collection and website weight.

Wordpress is very powerful. Now many traffic stations use Wordpress, but domestic CMS is also developing well, such as Xunrui CMS, Yiyou CMS, pbootcms, etc

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