How does Huawei remove the mosaics to restore the original image, and how does Huawei remove the mosaics to restore the original image

You should all encounter this situation. You will often download some pictures or videos with mosaics on the Internet, which greatly affects the normal viewing. Then you will try to remove the mosaic. However, many mobile phones do not have these functions. What can you do?


Huawei Mobile Phone Image Removal Method

The phone cannot remove the mosaic of pictures. Because the current technology can not reach this level

But you can also download software to help;

Beautiful pictures

1. To open an app, first download and install the Meitu Xiuxiu app on your phone, and then open the app. First, download and install the Meitu Xiuxiu application on the mobile phone, and open the application.

2. Click the beautification picture in the home page to find the beautification picture in the upper left corner of the home page. Find the beautification picture in the upper left corner on the home page.

3. Select a picture and then select a picture to remove the mosaic. Then select a picture to remove the mosaic.

4. Drag the animation pen, then select the brush button, and drag it back and forth to remove the mosaic on the picture. Then select the brush button and drag it back and forth to remove the mosaic on the picture.

You can also use Photoshop to help you

Because mosaics are irreversible operations, it is basically impossible to completely remove mosaics. Photoshop software can only be used to make the picture clearer. The specific operations are as follows:

1. Open Photoshop software and open the picture that needs to eliminate mosaic.

2. First, click the background in the lower right corner to copy the layer.

3. Then click the copy stamp tool on the left, and adjust the parameters according to the specific situation. The opacity does not need to be too high.

4. Press and hold the Alt key in the normal area of the picture, click the mosaic area with the left mouse button, repeat the operation, and finally export the picture.

Mosaic pictures are irreversible, so they can't be recovered. We can only use software to make them look clearer, so if you don't understand, please refer to the above article.

  • This article is written by Published on November 30, 2022 17:02:51
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