How to use the keyword ranking promotion tool? SEO keyword ranking optimization tutorial

Website SEO optimization is very important. Optimization can help websites get more traffic and improve their rankings. This is the result of optimization. Maybe for some newcomers, they don't know how to use the keyword ranking promotion tool? Today we will take a look at how to operate the SEO keyword ranking optimization tutorial.


How to use the keyword ranking promotion tool

The first step is to find a suitable keyword ranking query tool. At present, there are many tools on the market to query keyword rankings, such as the popular 5118, chinaz, Aizhan, dinosaur webmaster tool website, and other tools. For novices, you can choose these popular tools. Compared with some niche and low visibility keyword ranking query tools, they can avoid some consequences. These old keyword ranking query tools can also help novices get started quickly. As for which one to choose, I can only say that different query tools have their own advantages. The choice depends on personal preferences. This article mainly uses the keyword ranking query gadget as an example to explain.

Once the keyword ranking tool is found, the second step is to download it. You need to unzip and install it. Different software installation times are different. For some software with a long installation time, you need to be patient. After the download of the keyword ranking query gadget is completed, the third step will begin. The third step is to open the domain name. txt in the root directory of the program to place the domain name you want to query, one line at a time, and then save it. It should be noted here that if the domain name needs to be added with remarks, please follow the ABC COM | Remark 1 | Remark 2 | (Website optimization contact vx: 13717680188>... | | Fill in the format.

The fourth step is to open the main interface of the keyword ranking query gadget. exe in the program root directory, and first set the process. Next, you need to fill in your broadband account and password. If you don't know your broadband account and password, ask the server vendor of the machine you purchased. After filling in the account and password, you need to fill in the search engine you want to query, and set the first few pages of the query. Then you only need to start and execute automatically when you start the machine. When you encounter the check box, you can select it according to your personal needs. Check if necessary, and uncheck if not necessary. Step 4 here is complete.

The fifth step is to click the Start button after all the above steps are completed. Wait for the program execution to complete, the query results are in the program root directory, take out the query results, and you can see the ranking. The above five steps are the basic steps to solve the problem of how to use the keyword ranking tool by taking the keyword ranking query gadget as an example. Learning to skillfully use these five steps can greatly improve the efficiency of query keyword ranking, saving time, accuracy and efficiency. For a person who needs to query keyword ranking for a long time and frequently, it is a good choice.

SEO keyword ranking optimization tutorial

1、 Keyword selection

Website SEO skills can not be separated from our keyword ranking. The quality of keyword ranking is one of our quantitative indicators of SEO, and also the most direct quantitative indicator. The quality of keyword ranking reflects the quality of our SEO effect. How should we optimize website keywords?

2、 Long tail keywords and keyword density building

Long tail keywords are no strangers to our friends who have a certain foundation. Through the creation of long tail keywords, we can customize our own exclusive keywords, and constantly expand our different audiences through long tail words or expand our long tail keywords through the small details of user search and input habits. Long tail keywords can also control the keyword density of our articles.

3、 Article Content SEO

Article content is an important part of our website's SEO skills, so our article content is also built around TDK. Our keyword selection can be made through TDK, or based on our own characteristics and advantages. We can also select and mine keywords through SEO plug-ins. We just need to set a target keyword or phrase, It will automatically provide us with a huge amount of materials to choose from. Regardless of our SEO skills or knowledge, SEO plug-ins play a good auxiliary role in website search engine optimization.

We can also collect the relevant content of the whole web through keywords for secondary creation, or automatically publish pseudo original content to provide a continuous stream of content updates for our website. This is not only a demonstration of our website's vitality, but also a way for spiders to develop the habit of regularly crawling our website and improve our website SEO skills.

4、 Picture and alt tag

The importance of images for the current content of articles is self-evident. Images not only have the function of dividing paragraphs to attract users' eyes, but also the alt of images is a way for us to express image information to search engine spiders. The images with our relevant alt tags for our articles are also one of the techniques for website optimization. You can also use the SEO plug-in to process the length of articles or those that need batch processing.

5、 Article Label

Reasonable H tags, strong tags and tag tags are the signs of our website's hierarchy and reasonable planning, and also a way to improve the search engine's capture efficiency and user experience. Reasonable use of tags makes our pages easier to be crawled by search engines.

6、 Search engine push

The normal daily update of the website is one of the factors that search engines determine whether our website is normal. We not only need to create high-quality original content, timely push and submit links to the search engine, but also one of our website SEO skills. Through SEO plug-ins, we can achieve automatic full platform push.

So far is the sharing of website SEO skills. Website SEO skills are constantly optimized in details. Sometimes a small detail may help us make small progress in keyword ranking, SEO is a long process. Through the continuous accumulation of these small progress, our keywords will also slowly improve the ranking, which is the most happy thing for many SEOERs.

Website SEO optimization is a long-term process. If you master the skills, you will be able to optimize the website and accumulate constantly, so that C ranking can be promoted quickly.

  • This article is written by Published on November 29, 2022 16:29:52
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