How to solve website hijacking and how to prevent browser hijacking

Friends who have access to the Internet will find that their home page is often maliciously changed by various websites, and the home page set by themselves disappears within a few days. Then sometimes the websites you visit cannot be accessed, which is hijacked. What can be done to prevent and solve this problem, and how to operate it.

What to do if the website is hijacked

1. The domain name of the website is widely parsed

Close the domain name pan resolution. After entering the domain name management background, click our domain name to find the domain name resolution with *, and delete it

2. Hacker hijacking

For the backup file, find the modified file and clean the trojan program (note, please form the backup habit, and backup at least once a week)

3. Browser hijacked

This is usually an ad promotion provided by the browser itself, especially on mobile phones. I usually uninstall and reinstall a browser directly

4. Carrier hijacking

This hijacking requires an SSL certificate to implement https encryption of the link:

1) The https protocol requires an SSL certificate

2) Http is a hypertext transmission protocol, information is clear text transmission, and https is a secure ssl encrypted transmission protocol

3) , http and https use completely different connection methods and different ports. The former is 80, and the latter is 443

4) The http connection is simple and stateless; HTTPS protocol is a network protocol built by SSL+HTTP protocol that can conduct encrypted transmission and identity authentication, and is safer than http protocol

How to prevent browsers from being hijacked


Step 1: If the webpage is tampered with into a website you don't like, the first thing you need to do is to change the homepage again. First open the browser. Here I take IE9 browser as an example. Click the Settings button in the upper right corner of the browser.

Step 2: click internet option in the pop-up menu to enter browser settings. The method of other versions of browsers is similar. In short, find the Internet option and open it.


Step 3: After opening the settings page, the top box displays your browser's home page. Usually some malicious software will tamper with the browser's home page by changing it.


Step 4: Delete the website, enter the homepage you want to set, such as Baidu, and click OK to exit.

Step 5: At this time, when you open the browser again, its homepage will be the Baidu homepage you set. That's right


It has been changed, but who can guarantee that it will not be tampered with in the future? So, we still have to find a way to do it once and for all.


Step 6: First open the Run box, enter gpedit.msc in the Run box, and then click OK or Enter to open the Group Policy Editor.

Step 7: Open the Group Policy Editor, click User Configuration, and then manage templates.


Step 8: In the management template option, click the black triangle in front of it, then click the Windows component, and then click the triangle in front of the Windows component. A second level list will appear. The first item is the browser settings. Click Internet Explorer.

Step 9: In the browser options, use the mouse to pull down the rightmost drop-down bar, and find the option of disabling and changing home page settings. As shown in the figure


Step 10: Double click the left mouse button to disable the option of changing the home page settings. Then the following interface will appear. Click the second item Enabled, then fill in the area marked in the box below the home page you want to set, namely Baidu Home Page, and click OK to exit.


Step 11: Finally, click Close to close the Group Policy Editor. At this time, all the settings we need to make have been completed. In fact, now you have an indestructible browser home page. Why do you say that? Please keep looking.

Step 12: Open the browser settings page again, and you will find that it is different from the previous one, because the input box for filling in the browser home page is already unavailable, and the settings button below has also been grayed out.

Sometimes these situations are met, so you can refer to the above methods to solve and prevent them, hoping to help those in need.

  • This article is written by Published on November 28, 2022 17:20:51
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