What are the common editing skills in the self-study course of zero basic short video production

Nowadays, short videos are very popular. People from all walks of life are doing short videos. If you want to do short videos, you can't do without editing. But many people don't understand editing very well at the beginning. It can be taught by themselves. In fact, it is not so complicated. So now, let's talk about how to edit faster.


Common editing techniques

The first is arrangement order. When doing video editing, we need to arrange the editing sequence according to different stories to appropriately increase the effect of questions, thus arousing the curiosity of the audience.

The second type: secondary voice dubbing. In video editing, you need to learn how to use dubbing to supplement the content of the screen, and the second dubbing can also increase the originality of short videos. Generally speaking, the nine hammer dubbing can be used for the second dubbing. Just put the copy into it and select the appropriate dubber to dub.

The third type: common transition. When making video clips, especially when connecting two pictures, you should learn to use transitions to make the picture smooth and silent, thus increasing the video effect.

Fourth: special effect subtitles. In the process of video editing, we can choose different special effects according to the tone and picture of our short videos to enrich the picture. In addition, subtitles should not be forgotten, because they can make short videos more viewable.

The fifth kind: watermark. In the process of video editing, remember to add watermarks. We can add obvious watermarks+hidden watermarks, which can prevent others from stealing. Even if it is stolen, we also have evidence to correct it.

Sixth, make good use of picture in picture. For example, in the process of video editing, background, video, post, material and title can be properly added to make our short videos more interesting.

Seventh: background music. Select appropriate background music according to the tone of short videos, such as classical music for short videos with ancient backgrounds, and slow songs for warm short videos.

Eighth: Adjust the number of frames. We can adjust the frame number according to the content of the short video, such as slowing down or speeding up, to express the content we want to focus on or some unnecessary but necessary stories.

Ninth kind: picture zoom. During video editing, the zoom function can enlarge the picture, highlight the characteristics of the characters, express what we want to focus on, and increase the sense of the picture. The zoomed out picture can show the panorama.

Tenth. Title Title. Many kids ignore the importance of the beginning and end of the film when they are doing video clips, but in fact it is very important. We can put something to attract the audience at the beginning of the film, something to guide the audience's attention at the end of the film, or something to increase the audience's impression.

How about, after reading the introduction of the skills, you can try it. In fact, it is not very difficult. As long as it is not for professional videos, you can cut and play them yourself.

  • This article is written by Published on November 24, 2022 17:18:18
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